11: Detachement

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Folding her arms over her chest, her eyes were cold as they stared into Reece's fiery gaze

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Folding her arms over her chest, her eyes were cold as they stared into Reece's fiery gaze. He was tense, to say the least, all the while trying to contain the anger brewing inside of him. He was masking them with distracting thoughts.

"You're quick to name the culprit," Reece commented through clenched teeth and threw me a look. Staring back at him, I tried to communicate with my eyes.

What if it was the same man who'd attacked Emmet and I?

Reece turned his head back to our mother without giving me any kind of non-verbal reply. Meanwhile, I tried to concentrate on keeping the brewing storm at bay and not letting its destructive wind move me.

Elaborating rather quickly Emmet said, "His throat was slit so deep, the spinal cord was visible." His voice and stare alike were controlled and distant when he spoke.

Disappointed, Reece continued to glare at our mother. She remained motionless, only pressing her lips to a tight line.

"That is not how the Immortals kill," Reece answered with a clipped voice.

She either ignored it or didn't take notice, her brows only wrinkled deeply in thought. 

Suddenly, without warning, she turned on her heel and stalked down the hall with loud steps that echoed through the hallway. 

"I must notify Madame Esmara at once," she barked, re-tied her shoes on and went straight out the front door without so much as a goodbye. 

Thankfully, she took the storm with her.

About to stop her, Reece opened his mouth. But Emmet cut him off before he could do any more.

"Don't bother."

I rolled my eyes at Reece, trying to make light of the situation. "You should be used to it by now, brother!"

Slowly turning to me with the same angry fire still burning in his eyes, small flecks of red rage danced around his irises. His fists were clenched, knuckles white. If I didn't know what kind of level of anger it required for shifter eyes to turn red, I would actually find the change in colour quite beautiful.

"Don't talk down to me. This is not something anyone should have to get used to."

With so many emotions whirling around in the atmosphere, I suddenly felt powerless. Making my waves of calm slither into their signatures wouldn't work. They would perhaps feel slightly less agitated, but the intensity of all the other emotions was too great. 

I would have to create an avalanche that tore the signature down and covered it in calm for all emotions to be replaced. Trickling water couldn't compete. I wasn't even sure I was strong enough to pull it off without knocking myself out first. 

Apparently, she hadn't taken the entirety of the storm with her.

With so much anger and frustration inside, Reece stormed off. He stomped down the hall and up the wooden stairs, the wood screaming underneath his weight. Emmet and I stood there, shocked and uncertain as the footsteps finally stopped echoing through the house. A strained silence was the only thing left behind.

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