The Proposition

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My knees trembled as the outlook progressively got bleaker. 

"Don't let the woman or the Irish man out of your sight," one of our captors said to another, "They're worth five times your weight in ale". 

I looked over at Michael and he gave me a nervous look. Something in my stomach stirred and I suddenly felt sick. They would take us into town, no doubt and I would likely be reunited with my husband. 

Michael listened intently to the two Scottish men argue over the map as I scanned the surrounding forest. We were deep in the woods, snow all around, and I had no idea where we were. If we were to escape, how would we even make it back to Declan? Did I even want to go back there? 

My eyes widened as a figure moved through the snowy bushes and presented himself in front of us. 

Declan Harp. 

I felt a surge of relief, for some reason. 

I nudged Michael with my elbow and he too had a look of relief cross his face. At least I wasn't the only crazy one. 

Declan pulled his coat close to him as he waited for the men to notice him. 

When the men finally noticed, both clutched their guns and aimed right for his chest. 

"Declan Harp", One of the men said, recognizing the large man standing before them, "You mad Bastard". 

"Im here to negotiate for the hostage", Declan said, glancing at Michael.

I scoffed, the cold air swirling around my face.

"Only one hostage?", I asked in disbelief. 

Declan shot me a scowl and let out a huff of air before turning back to the men and sighing out, "hostages". 

The man clutched his gun nervously and glanced over at me and Michael. 

"There will be no negotiations", he said unconvincingly, "On the ground, face down now". 

Michael and I watched in awe at the small man trying to order Declan Harp to do something. Even though there were guns pointed at Harp's chest there was no denying these men had the disadvantage. 

Declan took a few steps forward, almost touching his chest to the man's rifle and cocked his head. 

"Those are pretty hats," he said, mocking the men, "If you release them to me, I might let you keep them". 

The man held his breath and then let it all out into a nervous chuckle.

"You've got some stones, Harp, I'll give you that", he said, "but you're out of your fucking mind". 

Harp grinned at the man with a mischievous smile. 

"Dogs...wearin' hats", he said before grinning wide and laughing in the man's face. 

I watched as the man's temper started to flare, "Well, maybe you don't count so well, but you're badly outnumbered". 

As he said his last words, arrows began to fly out of the woods and Sokanon and another one of Declan's men appeared. As the commotion began, I took the opportunity to shove the Scottish man next to me and send him to his knees. 

I scurried up to my feet but was quickly brought back down into the cold snow by the man I had just pushed. He roughly spun me over and straddled me before Michael appeared behind him. 

Michael quickly wrapped his tied hand around his neck and proceeded to try and render him unconscious. 

Michael struggled for a few seconds before yelling at Harp who was standing and watching. 

"You could help here, you know!", he yelled through exasperated grunts. 

I got up to my feet and took a step towards him but Declan pulled me back by my coat. 

"let him go", he instructed me. 

I stood still and watched as Michael struggled to knock the man out. 

"Keep the pressure on, if you let him breath you're right back at square one", Declan said as if he were teaching Michael how to hunt for the first time. 

The Scottish man got a surge of energy and it looked like Michael was going to lose his fight. 

"Help him!", I yelled, nervously watching Michael. 

"No!", Declan said calmly, not taking his eyes off of the scene in front of him, "what would he do if I wasn't here?". 

Finally, Michael squeezed until the man went limp and Michael released him from his grasp. 

"Oh god...Did I kill him?" Michael asked, wheezing and out of breath. 

"no, no, no", Harp said, walking over to the man in the snow, "he's just unconscious". 

"Are you hurt?" Harp asked Michael. 

Michael shook his head and Declan turned his attention to me. For the first time his expression seemed pleasant, almost kind. 

"are you?" He asked, crouching down over the man in the snow and putting a hand over his nose and mouth. 

"I'm fine", I said quietly. 

Declan nodded and once the man in the snow stopped moving, he stood up and took a few steps towards me, taking his knife out. 

My breath hitched in my throat and my stomach sank down to the ground. 

This was it. This is how I die. I would die by the hands of Declan Harp. 

I closed my eyes waiting for the blade to pierce my heart, but instead his large hands maneuvered around mine in order to cut the rope that tied my hands together. 

"You just may be more trouble then you're worth", he grumbled, returning back to the scowl-faced Declan I was becoming accustomed to. 

HELLO! Thanks for getting this story to 1k likes!! To be honest, when I started this story it was just for funsies and for me to read later but I'm so excited you guys are enjoying it! Hope everyone had a great Holiday and Happy reading!



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