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"The Low River Company tartan", Declan said, turning his attention back to the man who had previously captured me and Michael. 

The man took the position we had just a few minutes ago, and kneeled in front of Declan Harp. 

"You work for Malcolm Brown?", Declan asked, looming ominously over the man. 

My skin prickled at the name Malcolm Brown. I had heard Chesterfield and Lord Benton talk about him many nights. Surely, if this man were to find out who I was word would get back to my husband. 

"So you murder innocent Lake Walkers and take my people hostage?", Declan boomed. 

The man spat definitely, hitting Declan in his face and produced a sickly grin on his face. I almost felt bad for him. He wouldn't make it far disrespecting Declan Harp. I hadn't been with them for long, but I at least knew that. 

Declan reached forward, unbothered, and pulled his crooked black hat off of his head. He brought it up to his face and gracefully wiped the spit away and tossed the hat down onto the snow once he was finished. 

Everyone watched, our breathing halter, waiting for Declan's next move. 

His next move was swift and accurate. Declan produced a knife and in a blink of an eye, our captor's ear was in his hand. 

The man clutched the side of his head and wailed as Declan stared at him curiously. 

"Perhaps you didn't hear me?", Declan said, holding the ear for all of us to see. 

His eyes scanned over all of us but settled on me. Maybe this was a warning to me? Or maybe he wanted me to see what he was really capable of. 

"I asked if you worked for Malcolm Brown," Declan repeated, taking his eyes off of me and focusing on the man in front of him. 

"Fuck you!" the man screamed, still clutching his ear.

Declan wasted no time and swiftly punched him and held him down into the snow with his foot. 

I watched nervously as the man screamed into the snow. It is a bad thing to wish someone dead but for some reason I hoped Declan would kill him. I hoped that no one would find out that I was here. All I wished for was that Lord Benton and Chesterfield be taken out of power. I hated the fact that Chesterfield punished his men everyday and abused every person in his life. Lord Benton was no better. In some way, I stood alongside Declan Harp. At least Harp recognized how awful these men were. 

"Are you going to kill him?" I asked quietly, bringing my coat close to my chest. 

Declan's head whipped back at me and he almost looked at me kindly. His eyes were soft and even though his foot held down a man screaming in agony, I felt like there had to be some kind of good in him. I had never seen a kind look from a man like him. 

"No", he said softly, but then immediately turned back to the man squirming under his foot. 

"I'm not going to be killing you dog", he spat at the man, "You're going to be taking me to Malcolm Brown". 

"Up dog!" Declan yelled, pulling the man up to his feet. 

I stood silent, the cold feeling even more so than it had a few seconds ago. Maybe I would be seeing my husband today. 

"Why are we going to Malcolm Brown?", One of Declan's men asked, "why not just go to the Lake Walkers?".

"because", Declan huffed out, "They will demand retaliation against the Brown Brothers. They are probably already moving on the Low River Camp". 

Sokanon took a step forward and cocked her head, "Brown is our competition. Why not just let the Lake Walker's destroy them?". 

I listened, letting all of their words click into my brain. I had spent countless dinners with two of the biggest influencers in the HBC and even though I hadn't been interested a lot of information had seeped into my brain as I had been picking at my dinner, wishing to go home. 

"Because that's what Benton wants", I thought out loud. 

Everyone's heads turned towards me and Declan especially looked at me confused. 

"What did you say?", Declan asked, taking a step closer to me. 

I began to tremble as the cold wind picked up and I looked sheepishly down at my hands. 

"I'm sorry. I just know what Lord Benton and his men are about. If we are all out here killing each makes it that much easier for Benton to tighten his grip on controlling the trade," everyone's curious eyes seemed to ask me to continue, "Benton and Chesterfield sit and talk about this stuff for hours. They enjoy watching you all do the grunt work. They rarely have to lift a finger". 

Declan's mouth slowly grew into a smile and he looked around at the others, before turning back to me. 

"And what would you suggest we do?", he asked sincerely. 

I took a deep breath and nodded. I was about to cross a line. If I hadn't been considered one of them, now I was. I had information and I was on their side. I knew of one person who would be infuriated. To hell with him. 

"The HBC is our common enemy. They have unlimited resources and if we are going to take all of them down we're going to need all the independent companies to work together", I said. 

Declan smiled wide and turned to his crew, "You heard the girl! We have to stop this war between the Browns and the Lake Walkers before it happens". 

Declan turned back to me as the others led our prisoner through the snowy woods, "Seems like you might be useful to me after all".

Thank you guys so much for commenting and liking these chapters!! It means so much to me! Sorry this chapter took so long! I'm so excited for how this story is turning out and so excited that yall are along for the ride! I am going to try to update this story every week so be on the lookout for new updates! Thank you!!!


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