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For as long as I could remember he was always with me and close to my heart. That all changed when Diego came to the studio, he was determined to make sure that if leoń wasn't making me happy then he would.

Three weeks later...

Leoń and I got into a fight over him being a little jealous of Diego, he broke up with me but I tried to get him to understand that I don't have feelings for Diego like that but he wouldn't listen so he walked off.

I was torn up inside, Diego came up around the corner to talk to me. He apologized to me about everything but I assured him that it wasn't all his doing, leoń can be very stubborn and jealous when it comes to me.

He offered to walk me to my last class but I told him that I'm okay being alone right now, cam walks up to me as I walk into the classroom.
Cam- what's wrong vilu?
Me- leoń broke up with me cause he thought the reason that Diego was around me so much was due to him liking me, he also thinks I like him back. Instead of us talking things out and being civil he walked off.
Cam- leoń needs to get a grip on his emotions while still being able to maintain a healthy conversation with you. Do you like Diego?
Me- I don't think so but at this point I'm tired of leoń not talking to me when he feels jealous so I'm not going to talk to him anytime soon, I need to be alone right now.

Cam agreed and we sat beside each other in class. Diego walked by me smiling at me, I shyly smiled back and then leoń came walking by looking very mad. I looked away I don't want to feel his negative energy around me, class was over in just 30 minutes since palo had to go home and tend to his wife being sick. He told us that he has to make a announcement tomorrow and everyone would want to hear this one.

I wondered what it was, I hope it's something fun and exciting. I need to get my music juices flowing again.
Cam walked me home and I greeted my dad upon opening the door and ran up to my room to write in my journal.

Violetta // One last song //Where stories live. Discover now