// Duet //

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I began to write a song as I wait for Diego to come over. I heard my doorbell ring, I walked down to see if it was Diego but instead it was leoń. Before leoń could get a word in Diego shows up right behind him.

Diego- dude don't you have something better to do then to bother someone I'm trying to show that she deserves way better?
I would be lying if I didn't say I did a little giggle in my head, at this time leoń should just leave me be. He walks out as we begin to start on are song, we spent two hours writing and composing are new song together. We gave it a test run and nailed it.

I wanted to sing it once more before he left but this time felt different, he got closer to me as we swoon into each other's eyes. He lifted up my chin as I closed my eyes, he kissed my lips, we finished out are song and we was done for the day.

Me- that kiss, why did you kiss me like that?
Diego- cause you looked like you haven't had a good kiss in a long time.

His kiss made me want to kiss him but he was about halfway out of the door, he walked back to me with a smile and kissed my lips again.
Diego- I really like you and I hope you like me, we can talk tomorrow.
He smiles and walks out with the door behind him.

I called cam immediately to talk to her about how I feel, she asked me if I still love leoń and I do and then she asked me would I be willing to take a chance and date someone new. I told her yes and that I'm ready to get over leoń and his jealousy issues. After that I drift off to sleep.

Violetta // One last song //Where stories live. Discover now