// Announcement //

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Early morning palo rushed us in to the performing building for a surprise, Diego and I walked in together and we was greeted by my cam while leoń looked a little bit upset.
Palo- alright you guys so I know this year is the last year for you all and I wanted to say that I've grown to love you all as my children and just know that I'm always here for you.

Someone shouted if he was quitting and the kindly said no or at least not right now,
Palo- my big announcement is that we are all going to go to Italy for a little trip! ( cheering )
Everyone was thrilled to know that we was about to embark on a new stage and a new opportunity. I might come back as a new woman after this, with everyone excitement so high I had to walk into the hall for a minute to catch my breath.

Leoń walks out too.
Leoń- hey can we talk?
Me- I'm sure I have nothing to say to you, every time I try to be with you or help you I get pushed away even more.
Diego came and got me and then I walked back into class.

At the end of the year, we will be going to Italy and I can finally say that I've been somewhere new.
Palo- only five will come with me to preform on stage while the rest watch in the audience so come ready to write and sing later you all.

I was scared, I couldn't write anymore since leoń broke up with me but then I see Diego and it kick starts my passion again. I wonder if Diego would want to make a song with me.

// later That Afternoon //

I finished lunch and waited for Diego to spot me, I saw him right behind leoń so I waved him over. Leoń waved back until he saw Diego walking by him waving at me and I'm sure that was when he realized that I wasn't waving at him.

I talked to Diego about a song and he agrees to work on one with me.

Violetta // One last song //Where stories live. Discover now