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Waking up form my fun trip high, I had to pack once I go to the beach one more time with Caio. Cam told me that her guy plains on getting a passport to come visit her, I headed down stairs to see Caio smiling and waving over at me. As I walk towards him a black Mercedes stopped in front of me, Diego gets out with white roses,

Diego- please violetta listen to me.
I was mad, how can someone that was so upset breaks up with me even when I was more than willing to stay with them in hard times is now wanting to talk again?

I took a breath since I was just ready to walk off from him,
Me- we will talk later right now I got to go. Meet me here later around four pm and don't be late.

He got back in his car and I pushed the flowers back in his hands and he drove off, I readjusted myself then walked to Caio

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He got back in his car and I pushed the flowers back in his hands and he drove off, I readjusted myself then walked to Caio.

Caio- who was that?
Should I lie? No that would make him not trust me, should I be honest? Yes but he might get mad or extremely jealous like leoń. I don't care I'm just going to be honest maybe he would be cool about it.
Me- that was my ex, I don't want you to get mad or upset but he popped up and that's what happened.

Caio- I'm glad that your honest with me, my last ex wasn't and I was hurt but I'm cool with it, now let's take a ride.
His sweetness makes me want to just kiss him and I did, we had a great passionate kiss before I rode down to the beach with him.

We ate lobster and crab cakes and went on a few excursions then we sat down in the dock to talk. I decided to go first,

 I decided to go first,

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Me- how about you come live with me and my dad? All we have to do is get you a visa and work on making you a native and boom you'll be a citizen in just one year or less

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Me- how about you come live with me and my dad? All we have to do is get you a visa and work on making you a native and boom you'll be a citizen in just one year or less.

Caio- that would be nice, I just want to be with you forever. I've already been working on my visa for a few days now and I have it so when you go back home later I can come with you if palo would let me.

Me- are you kidding me? He loves you too and I'm sure he doesn't mind having you come back with us.
I gave him a huge hug and then we kissed, after spending time he took me home and he headed to his home to pack. Palo told me that he's all clear to come with us and now all I have to do it talk to Diego.

Four on the dot he shows up, we walk to the field in the back. We sat across from one another, he was very happy to see me but I wasn't as happy to see him,
Diego- I know you probably hate me right now, I just what to say that I'm sorry. I shouldn't of just broken up with you when all you wanted was for me to be happy and support me. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me and take me back I would really like to start fresh again.

Me- I do forgive you and I do understand where you was coming from at that point but I can't be with you. I'm in a relationship.
He stood up in shock!

Diego- is it leoń again!?
Me- no Diego it's not leoń, I'm not going to tell you who he is but if you figure it out I'm fine with that.
I got to go now and get ready to leave.
I walk away as he stands behind me, he say
" I'm going to keep fighting for you cause I know your my one, your my vilu and violetta. "

I kept walking, all I know is I'm happy now and my new boyfriend is coming back home with me but also my old habit leoń and Diego is going to make things difficult for me and Caio.

Hey guys this is the end of the story but if you like to read more about vilu and Caio please vote on this chapter so I can make a sequel

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Hey guys this is the end of the story but if you like to read more about vilu and Caio please vote on this chapter so I can make a sequel.

Violetta // One last song //Where stories live. Discover now