// Easy Study //

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After a few days ( four ) Caio and I gotten close to where we can now preform the song together, we started and his voice and minds meshed together very well. Almost as good as Diego's and mines, towards the end him and I got closer to each other as we was hitting high notes.

He put his hand on my cheek and I put my hand in his hair, the song was about to come to a end when we both leaned in to kiss each other

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He put his hand on my cheek and I put my hand in his hair, the song was about to come to a end when we both leaned in to kiss each other. Stop!
Someone stopped us and we looked over to the door and saw leoń, he single handily made this awkward,
Leoń- violetta can we please talk right now?
I felt his stern voice hit my soul, he was upset and hurting. I didn't won't him to go out and fight someone while he tries to fight off his emotions not this time.

I told Caio that I'll catch up with him later and that the rehearsals was very good. He asked me did he do anything wrong and I told him no but I'll see him later under the stars. Caio left and leoń and I sat down on the floor, I didn't know what to expect and I just want him to get everything out so he won't lash out on anyone and get hurt again.

Leoń- I don't know what to say, i just walked by and saw you and that guy singing together. It made me want to push him over to the side and sing with you, this emptiness and emotional stress is coming from a hard place, I messed up with you cause I was scared to lose you and now that I have I just feel like nothing is left for me.

Me- I love you leoń and I will never stop loving you, I wished that we could have made it work but it just wasn't working for neither of us. We need time apart and I think you know that too, you just haven't accepted the fact yet.

This conversation was going well and it was the type of conversation that we should of had months ago, I felt like if we did then we would have still been together. ( tearing up )

Leoń- I see that I can't be with you but I hope we can remain friends, after all you are my first love besides my mother ( I giggled ).

We hugged it out knowing that if its meant to be then we will end up together one day in the future.

Violetta // One last song //Where stories live. Discover now