Ch 2 Helping out

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Y/n pov

Yuki didn't answer her question but change the subject of it.

"I noticed it this morning that you're starting to look a bit pale you should try to take better care of yourself" yuki Said.

"Thank you for caring about me" Tohru replied

"Perhaps we'll bump into each other again tomorrow," yuki said walking away I follow right behind him.

As we got inside our home

"Welcome back you too I was thinking about to make for dinner," Shigure said.

"Can we just go out to eat instead?" I said

He sighs

"fine let's go then" Shigure Said. Getting up from his seat and we start heading out to eat.

Time skip
Y/n pov

"Whew. If we keep eating out like this all the time I'm going to have to buy a bigger robe" Shigure said.

"So well then why don't you do the cooking," yuki Said

"Why every time I make dinner you to complain shigure replied.

"Pickled radish and curry is not dinner it's disgusting," I said glaring at him.

"Yeah same here it's disgusting I think one complaint is more or less justified," yuki said.

He chuckles "you know y/n yuki you're got a good head on your shoulders but I don't think you both are cut for housework let's get a housekeeper?" shigure said.

"No!" we said. Suddenly I smell something  I started sniffing the air to smell Tohru scent?

"Hey hold up," I said to see Tohru walking toward the tent?

"Miss Honda" yuki Said as we walk toward the tent to hear her talking to herself.

Then she got out to see us standing there.

Then Shigure starts laughing at her.

"Shigure don't you think you're overdoing it?"
Yuki said.

I had enough and hit shigure right in the back of his head telling him to stop it but he still continues laughing a little bit.

I sigh "do you want to come with us as you tell us why are you living in a tent?" I asked. Tohru didn't say anything just nod.

We start heading to the house

Time skip
Y/n pov
As shigure still continues laughing about it as yuki start asking the question "So you've been living in that tent by yourself?"

"Uh-huh," Tohru Said

"For how long?" yuki Asked.

"I don't know just over a week?" Tohru said.

"Well, that explains it. All of this land is Sohma property it seemed odd that we'd suddenly have a new neighbor" yuki said.

"I'm sorry but please can't I stay there a little while longer it's only for a few more weeks then I'll go I don't have much money but I can pay you please let me stay?" Tohru said.

Suddenly shigure stops laughing and starts being serious. "Those woods aren't too safe you've got wild animals landslides the occasional weirdo prowling around it's not a good idea for a girl to be living out there alone," shigure said.

"shigure you asshole you finally are done laughing," I said glaring at him. Suddenly Tohru got up "don't you worry about me! I'm already used to all the bugs and if I can stand up to them I can stand up to" then she fell back.

"She had a fever," yuki said checking her forehead.

"Ice I'll get ice it uh it's," shigure said open the door to see garbage bag everywhere.

"And you call the woods unsafe?" Tohru said.

"Well relatively speaking" shigure couldn't finish his sentence as we both hear howling. "There. You hear that?" shigure said starting at me.

"Yeah I heard there's just been another landslide somewhere," I said.

"Really? But how do you both know that?" Tohru asked us.

Crap I forgot she was in the room with us.

"I guess you could say it's an instinct," shigure said.

"Was it close?" yuki Asked.

"Close to the tenter I mean not at all" shigure said

I look at her as she quickly ran out the door we quickly follow her. To see her digging up but she fell down again.

"Please calm down you already have a fever," yuki said in his worried voice.

"But Mom what am I going to do if I don't get her out soon she'll be hurt," Tohru said.

"Don't strain yourself we'll come back when it's brighter I think your Mom's probably glad it wasn't you in there and I think she'd be upset if you got hurt now don't you?" shigure said.

She nods and we start heading back home. Once we head back shigure help her in bed as yuki and I just stand there Overheard them talking to each other as she told her how her mom die.

"I feel sorry for her," I Said looking right at yuki.

"Yeah, same here" yuki replied. As she finally asleep

We both walk out of the shadow to see she's sleeping peacefully. But then Yuki Said, "it's amazing she always seems so cheerful at school you'd never guess she's been suffering like this for so long when I was young there were many times I wanted to run away from Sohma house but I never did I could always find some rationalization to stay the fact of the matter is I just wasn't strong enough or I could've left I could've lived in the woods by myself in a tent I could've done what she did".

"You can call it amazing but I don't think the word does it justice," shigure said.

"No it doesn't," yuki Said starting at her.

"Do you mind keeping an eye on her I'd like to go out for a while?" yuki Asked.

"What? Where? You're not going to try digging out that tent you are aren't you do you want us to come with you it won't be an easy job for you alone" shigure said.

"You're right but I don't think I said that I was going alone," yuki said as his smell friends behind him.

"But you know you and I can't overdo it so that why I'm coming with you. your little friends can't carry big things" I said.

"Fine" yuki said walking out I smile and follow right behind him as shigure told us to be safe.

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