Ch 31 final examinations

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Tohru Pov

Everyone was doing their final examinations mathematics

"Okay, time's up. Pencils down, everyone" teacher said

I smile love  that feeling of hard work

"Miss Honda?"

I stop smiling and looked up at Yuki and Y/n standing there.

"So how did it go?" Yuki asks

"Oh, well um actually it went really well I knew a lot more of the answers than I thought I would" I replies

"What?" Familiar voice said

I look at Uo "so you did good, huh?! I'm so proud of you as" Uo patted my head.

I smile "thanks".

"See tohru I knew you could do it if you tried" Hana said

"Well, fortunately, I had Yuki and Y/n there to help me study they always took their time and explained things clearly even though they had their own work to do" I said.

as I look at y/n and Yuki "Really, thank you guys so much! I couldn't have done it without you".

"Oh I, I don't know about that" Yuki smile at me.

Y/n chuckles and look over at Yuki fans girl

"Say Saki I'll bet you did good on the test, huh?" Hana stop scaring the fans girl and look over at the two boys.

"You think so?" Hana ask

"Yeah, sure you're pretty smart and you're psychic seems like it'd be easy. I mean, you pretty much aced the midterm, right?"

"I suppose since then I've had to take remedial lessons they even called my parents. Yes my mother cried for days" Hana replied.

As we all stand there scared

"But I thought you know, with your psychic powers and all" Hana cut the boys off "I'd be able to guess all of the answers? It seems I'm dumber than my powers can make up for".

"Don't get too down on yourself I'm sure there's an even bigger dummy around here somewhere" Uo said.

"Hey you sure as hell better not be talkin about me!" kyo shouted.

"What? Who else would I be talking about?" Uo asked

Kyo glared at her "oh yeah? Well no one's ever had
to call my parents to tell em' my grades sucked!"

"Aww does kyo-kyo study like a good little boys?"

"Don't call me kyo-kyo!" kyo shouted at him.

"Please. You couldn't study to save your life" Uo said

"You are so full of it!" Kyo said. 

"Uh-huh let me guess you're the kinda guy who crams at the last minute and then you get to school and freak out! Cause you studied for the wrong test" Uo said teasing him.

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