Ch 25 sick yuki

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Y/n  pov

We walk in the house to see shigure standing there smiling at us "So, you came all the way here looking like that, did you?"

We glare at him

He chuckles

"It's not funny" kyo said as we putting yuki in his room.

"There. We'll let him sleep for a while looks like it was just a mild attack. he still has a slight fever, but he'll be all right" shigure said.

We sigh relief

"Thank goodness" tohru said.

Shigure smiled "sorry for the scare tohru. But it's really okay you can go back to school now if you want".

"Oh no I mean the school is important, but I just wouldn't feel right going back when I know that he's lying here sick I'm sure mom will understand if I miss a day and besides I feel a little bit responsible," tohru said as haru and I looked at tohru.

"I should have asked him to stay home today his cold might not have gotten this bad" tohru said feeling guilty about it.

"I'll tell you what how about I go to the school and pick up your things for you," shigure said

"You really don't have to go to all that trouble" tohru said freaking out.

"No, no, no trouble at all" shigure said and then look over at kyo "in the meantime, kyo why don't you call Hatori?"

"Huh why do I gotta do it?" Kyo asked.

"Watch yourself, though Hatori's a bit overworked these days, so he's probably not in the best of moods from what I hear, practically the entire family has come down with the flu" shigure said as suddenly blow out of smoke appear.

I looked at haru naked

I blushed

"I'll call him, where's the phone again?" Haru said walking out naked

"dammit put some clothes on first!" kyo yell as tohru scream and quickly looked away.

"Haru go to my room and put your clothes on"  I said.

"Thanks, y/n," haru said

"No problem haru" I said still blushed seeing him walking with his clothes and headed to my room.

"Well I'm off taking good care of yuki while I'm gone" Shigure said walking out the room with tohru.

"Okay and thank you so much shigure!" Tohru yell.

I rolled my eyes now exactly what shigure thinking about high school girls.

"I will be right back tohru" I said.

She nods and stays with yuki

I headed down the stairs to see kyo on the ground relaxing and haru on the phone with Hatori.

"Mm-hm I understand r-right" haru said hanging up the phone.

"So what's Hatori got to say?" Kyo asked.

"He sounded mad at me, for some reason strange, huh?" Haru replies with a confused look.

Kyo sigh "That's what happens when you disappear for three days so what now? I guess we got that damn rat taken care of you ready to finish our fight?"

"Nah, forget it" haru said in a bored tone.

Kyo was in shock

I giggle and grab his hand,

"You really have gotten stronger, kyo I think I need more training" haru said as we turn around and about to walk upstairs.

"Hold it right there" kyo yelled putting him in a headlock.

"You think you can pick a fight and then just walk away whatever you feel like it huh just cause you changed back to white haru! Kyo yell.

"Kyo let him go you idiot" I growl

"So you're not black haru any more?"

We turned around to see tohru there

"Uh No" haru replies.

"I'm sorry it's just, you seem like a completely different person," tohru said.

"How's yuki?" haru asked

"He still sleeping" tohru replies

Haru looked right at kyo "don't attack him while he's passed out kyo".

"Shut up what good does it do me if I beat him with a cheap trick like that the day I knock that damn rat on his tail it's gonna be fair and square?!" Kyo yells as he walks past us.

"What you think you are going?" I asked

"Hell with it. I'm going back to school" kyo replies

I sigh "haru I'm going to check on yuki".

He nods and I gave him a quick peck on the lips and headed upstairs thinking about what should I do with haru like I didn't forget what he did earlier.

Time skip

Hatsuharu Pov

Tohru and I went to the kitchen to get ice packs for yuki.

"So yuki and kyo do they still get in fistfights every day?" I asked

"No, but they argue just about every time they see each other" tohru replied

"Huh. Well that means they're getting along a little better, at least it wasn't long ago that the idea would've seemed pretty hopeless" I said.

"No hopeless?" Tohru asked

"That's how it seemed but I can tell they've both changed since then there used to be so much tension between them if they were in the same room you could feel it in the air things seem much more relaxed now it could be because you're here," I said looked over at her.

Tohru blushed "no. I doubt I've made that much of a difference".

"Well, I can't prove that yet but I haven't been around enough to see what's going on y/n telling me everything on the phone but I guess the reason isn't really important I'm just glad to see they're doing better," I said

She smiled as we start headed upstairs

"Especially y/n she was my first love, after all, nothing against kyo. Yuki and Y/n is just very special to me although, when we were kids I couldn't stand him I hated his guts" I said

"Oh really why?" Tohru asked.

I turn around to look at her "Because he's the rat it's in the old story right how the rat rode on the cow's back to the zodiac banquet I used to hate that story when I was a little kid the cow was a stupid fool letting the rat use him like that".

"Haru" tohru said feeling sorry for me.

"That's what all the adults used to tell me, anyway I know they were probably half-joking when they said it but still I couldn't help but feel I was the one they were laughing at calling stupid and after hearing it over and over, I had so much anger towards that rat bottled up inside I couldn't contain it I started losing my temper over the tiniest things, I guess that's when my black personality first began to appear it got to be too much for my parents to handle. So they had me take martial arts lessons hoping that would give me a way to vent" I said grabbed the ice packs from her.

"It didn't really help, like they thought it would I enjoyed the training itself but even there, it still felt like I was getting laughed at a lot and then on that day I happened to bump into yuki the truth is, up until then I'd never even said a word to him the only time we ever saw each other was at New Year's but that day seeing him sitting there, all of my anger began to swell up at once. I exploded" I said remember my past.

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