Chapter six

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Very slowly, I turned to face him, my bright green eyes wide and frozen. His eyes bore into mine, the glowing gold calming to a dark grey. He leaned to brush his fingertips against my cheek and I felt a rush of warmth overwhelm me. His short brown curls fell just over his eyes as he smiled slightly.

"I've been looking for you."


My mind flashed back to the book I read about werewolves, I got lost in the pages that described the magic of the mate bond. Soulmates, two pieces that fit inexplicably together. The other half of your soul.

"Aurora, what's going on?" I heard Esme's shaky voice carried over the wind. Down below I heard Finn yelling as he was held back by the wolves.

"Aurora," the man muttered, his eyes wide and glimmering, as if he couldn't believe the words that fell off his tongue. My mind flashed once more on the words that I had read many moons ago. About how possessive wolves are when it comes to their mates: it changes your entire life. But I really couldn't deal with this, not when I had to return to the city of Arden tonight.

"There must be some kind of mistake." I said softly and his eyes flashed golden for a second before he offered me the gentlest look he could.

"There is no mistake, I'm the alpha of the Willowcreek and you my love, are my mate."

The name rang a bell, vaguely. I believed it was one of the main packs of the country. This realization only sent shivers through my body as the full extent of what was happening dawned on me.

"I don't even know your name." I said quietly, looking away. Anywhere other than his eyes. I felt his hands running through my blond hair softly.


I felt overwhelmed and sunk into my own body, my mind going numb. "Jesus."

He let out a gruff laugh. "Don't be afraid my love. This is one of the best things you'll ever experience. I won't pressure you into anything. We can take it at your pace."

I raised an eyebrow. That didn't sound like it corresponded to what I had read about their kind.

I pushed myself out of the seat and out of his grip, grabbing onto Esmerelda's wrist as I dragged her down after me. I think she got the memo as we began to sprint through the town, in the direction of the forest.

"Wait, Aurora!" Isaac growled in the near distance but we ran quickly, being blessed by the speed of nymphs it wasn't difficult to outrun him. The surprise factor helped quite a bit.

I saw much to my dismay that the wolves had blocked the entrance of the city and I let out an exasperated growl as I turned down random alleyways and made turn after turn until I was completely lost. I turned to Esmerelda only to see that she was no longer with me. I came to a stop, looking around the dark eerie street. Something felt off, perhaps it was my fear at being by myself in a strange city. I almost felt like crying, I was so overwhelmed and defeated. I wish I hadn't left Arden, I could've been snuggled up in my bed in my home right now.

I walked quietly down the deserted street, feeling uncertain and afraid. I didn't know what to do now, perhaps hide a while and try to go back to the entrance. I only hoped Esmerelda had made it back to the forest.

I heard footsteps other than mine and I cane to an abrupt stop, fear sinking into my bones. There was more than one person.

"It's dangerous to wander by yourself, little one." He said, and I whirled around to meet the eyes of a few vampires. I didn't take the time to count how many there were as I took off running down the street. I heard their laughter follow me as I ran blindly into the dark. There were maybe five or six, and I was their prey.

I ran straight into the arms of the enemy, my body bouncing off and rolling on the cold ground.

"Should've gone to spec savers." He chuckled as the rest of his nest surrounded me. Six vampires in total, I counted the faces, focused in on me.

"Cmon, I'm not half as tasty as I look." I tried to reason as I was pulled up by the collar. Blood red eyes glared back into mine.

"I beg to differ love."

I shot my leg out, taking him by surprise and he dropped me back onto the ground.
An earth shattering growl resonated through the air and I slowly raised my eyes to meet livid bright gold ones. The scent of cinnamon and forest drifted over to me and I realized that it was Isaac. I sighed in relief, although it would make things a lot more complicated.

The vampires stood stiffly, before the man waves his hand and another two vampires came into view. I was beginning to realize the odds were not in his favor. Eight against one.

He lunged forward and took the first vampire by surprise as he sunk his teeth into its neck. The rest of the vampires reacted quickly and jumped as Isaac so managed to avoid them the first time but I heard a a sickening crack as his leg was cracked in half. He let out a low wheeze and growled in pain.

"Stop." I cried, crawling forward slowly. He tried to get to me but another vampire kicked him in ribs and I heard a definite crack as he fell to the ground. Tears fell down my cheeks now as I was pulled back by the vampires.

"Finish it." The man growled and four vampires started to brutally attack him until he stopped breathing. I fell to the ground, hyperventilating and crying as I watched his mangled body.

I saw his life begin to leave his body. The idiot who rushed into impossible odds to save me. I mourned the loss of a mate I never had the chance to meet.

"Shut up." I heard one of them hiss, followed by laugher, mocking my grief.

"Let her Mourn. She'll soon follow." The man said slowly and bitterly and he allowed me to crawl over to Isaac's body. I threw myself beside him, my tears freely falling on his face as I held his face between my hands. He stared at me, his eyes barely open.

"I'm so sorry Aurora." He whispered before coughing, sputtering up blood.

"I tried-d, I tried to s-save you." He stuttered and I made a decision in that moment. This word might not be as sheltered as Arden, but it possessed beauty and magic. I saw it in the city lights and wide bright smiles of children singing, I saw it in the city that stretched out in front of me from on the top of the Ferris wheel and I saw it in the eyes of my dying mate. The spark of love and compassion dying out as he closed his eyes.

"No." I choked, holding my mate's cold face in my numbing hands. Anger and bitterness built up in my body until it was almost oozing out and I decided I would change the course of fate. I would not let him die.

Nympths have remarkable healing powers, I had practiced in Arden, on a fallen bird when it had broken its wing, in Esmerelda when she had fallen from a tree and fractured her arm. I knew I could save his life. I focused on all the energy bubbling up inside my soul and I gathered it in the palms of my hand. I heard the gasps and disbelief of the vampires behind me as a green glow emitted from my hands and I focused it over his chest, feeling his body begin to patch itself up until my hands. I could feel the cells that made his body come together and repair, breathing in the magic that I poured into his body until he was patched up again. I fell back, cold and trembling.

"Well," The vampire behind me said, his voice laced with admiration and disbelief.

"This is a game changer."

I was grabbed from behind and pulled from Isaacs unconscious body, down the cold street away from the mate who laid cold and unmoving but alive. He was alive.


ooooh scandal. First day outta Arden and you've already revealed your species. Good on u Aurora. #badlifechoices

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