Chapter 28

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With the court date coming closer and closer, the pack house was full of tension. Everyone could feel it. Isaac was buried under paperwork but he assured me the judge would side on our favor.

"How could he not? They attacked my village and took a hostage. The council has been wanting to crack down on them for a while now but they've never had the opportunity."

I pondered over it. "Why would they attack the village if they knew how it would turn out."

He looked up, his eyes hard. "Vampires are never going to sit around and do nothing. They're destructive and they set out to be just that. Although you are onto something, they knew there would be consequence."

His own questioning and curious gaze met mine. "I think the truth will come out at the court date. It's only a few days away."

I offered him a small smile but my heart wasn't in it. I hadn't told him about what I had found out about, the society of nymphs living outside of Arden. From what I'd gathered from Noah - or the nympth at the shop, there's about 25 of them. Not a huge community no, but considering nymphs weren't supposed to exist outside of Arden, it was something.

The other fact was that Noah was the son of my mother's best friend, the woman whom she had fled Arden with all those years ago. I could almost laugh at the irony. I had done exactly what my mother had done.

I had to tell Finn and Esme, as they were part of this. I didn't want to say anything to Isaac yet until I had my head wrapped around everything I'd been told. My mind flashed back to the memory of what I'd heard.

"Nymphs have been trapped in the city of Arden for too long. The time of war has passed. Why must be hide away even if the world is at peace? Nymphs are healers, there's so much good we could do. The elders insist on locking is up and taking away our freedom because they're scared. They're scared of change and want to keep things as they have been for years. But that's starting to change. We've this society on the outside, slowly changing things. We also have people on the inside,"

My eyes went wide. This seemed like a big scale operation. "Who? On the inside ?"

"Ferrah And Alice, most of the school staff and younger nymphs. All the nymphs you grew up with."

The faces of my fellow nymphs flashed in my mind. Esme's little sister, the younger nymphs. The people who I'd spent years with, down by the lakeside with Esme and Finn. But also the people I'd grown up with. Jem and Ben;Twins with hair as white as snow, Alec who had first introduced me to books. Lauren who sang at every celebration. Cara who made everyone daisy chains. Bee who always shared her snacks and Reagan who loomed above everyone and would help me reach apples that were too tall.

"We're sick and tired of being forced to keep our species a secret. We've been waiting years for a opportunity to come forward - to insist that the elders let nymphs come and go from Arden freely. There has to be another way other than hiding away."

I slowly nodded. I had learnt so much about life since I had left. The world that the elders had shoved down our throats was false. It was full of magic and love, things I'd never even imagined. It was full of interesting and wonderful people. I was also tired of the old ways - to hide away and slowly rot. Even if it was in a magical paradise, paradise wouldn't keep you trapped and hidden.

"Ferrah contacted us a few days ago. The elders are going to be at the court case in a few days so request your return to Arden along with your friends.

I set my mouth in a tight line. "However if we manage to get the approval of the council, then the residents of Arden are going to overthrow the elders and reveal our existence."

My heart stopped. After centuries of Arden being hidden away. It was finally time for it to be brought to light.

I looked up again at newfound allies. My eyes were hard with a new determination. It was time for a new era for the nymphs.

No more hiding.


What do you guys think will happen!!! Are they making the right decision???

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