Chapter 8

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I sat in silence for another hour, the strange girl's words resonating through my mind again and again. Claimed. The word ignited two emotions, fear and anger. I was afraid, I was miles from home and what I considered familiar, in a mansion of vampires, I was scared out of my wits. But I was also spiteful and angry, and I tried to clutch onto that feeling as much as I could, as I knew that was the only thing that would pull me through this experience, if I did manage to survive in the first place. Claimed. As if I were an animal, someone to be owned. It disgusted me.

The door swung open, and the same girl from earlier stood in the doorway stiffly, nodding her head in greeting. Her mousy blond hair fell in ringlets down her shoulders. She wore a yellow sundress which exposed her shoulders. But it also exposed her bite-marks. Some were older, a fading white or pink, while others were an ugly and inflamed red that stood out against her pale porcelain skin. She saw me staring but said nothing.

"He's waiting for you." She said timidly and I sat up, my hands involuntarily forming fists as dread set in.


She through me a bored look, as if she'd discussed this a thousand times.

"Master Cavin."

Again, my anger spiked. "Master?"

She threw me a sharp look, her eyes glinting dangerously in the light. "You'd be careful not to take that tone with him. Cavin is one of the kinder ones, you're lucky."

I stood abruptly, my eyes level with hers. "Anyone that kidnaps young victims, claims them and then feeds on them is not kind."

Her eyes widened for a spilt second, taken my surprise as she stumbled back before an undeniable hardness settled in. She offered me a brisk and humorless laugh. "They'll break your spirit," she spat, bitterly and I raised an eyebrow, staring her down.

"You're terrified of them."

"You're crazy not to be." She hissed back, panic and desperation lacing her words.

"Maybe I am." I shrugged, walking past her and out the door.

We walked in silence through the lavish hallways. They were filled with large pictures and Florescent ceiling lights and shone too brightly. Eventually we reached a large dining room, where there was a table full of people.

"That'll do, Miriam." You're dismissed." A man said, standing up to greet us. He flashed me a crude smile, his eyes wild and alight with a giddy glee. Miriam turned and left without looking back. I almost wanted to follow her.

"Hello love, my name is Cavin, it's very nice to officially meet you." He took my hand between his and placed a tender kiss on it. I felt sick to my stomach. Anger bubbled up in my stomach but I pushed it down. Raging and spitting out curses at people who could overpower me in seconds will not profit me. I smiled, letting out a nervous laugh and he soaked up my reaction, turning to the group of vampires with a triumphant smile.

"I picked a docile one."

"A lucky find. I wish I could say the same for mine." A vampire with sky blue eyes and coal black hair that fell in curls around his shoulders announced. My eyes fell on the bruised and scared looking girl sitting by her side and I wanted to grab his steak knife and stab him through the throat.

"Where am I?" I tested, my voice wavering and Cavin turned to me again, a relaxed smile stretching across his lips. "Why my love, you're home."

My smile faltered for half a second. Oh dear god.

"I don't believe I understand." I said timidly and his eyes darkened.

"I've claimed you. You're mine now. You do as I say and you don't question my authority. If you do as I ask, you'll be rewarded. I'll try to be as compassionate as understand as I can in return. I don't like when people test my patience."

I stilled, my heartbeat picking up. This was going exactly as I had planned. I nodded quietly.

"I understand."

He lead me over to the table, where three other people sat. The man from earlier with the scared girl by his side.

"This is Lily and Darcy." He motioned towards the two and Darcy offered me a smile that made shivers run through my body.

"It's a pleasure."

A silence fell before he slammed his fist down on the table and the head of the young girl snapped up.

"We greet our guests Lily." He spat, yanking her up. Her terrified eyes met mine across the table as she mumbled a greeting.

"And these are the twins, Melissa and Shira." He said, motioning towards the two other females sat at the table. Both had long black hair and sharp, cat- like eyes.

"Hello." Shira greeted and Melissa offered a curt nod.

Silence fell on the room as a bowl of soup was placed on front of me by a helper. I stared down at the red liquid.

"Tomato soup, don't worry love." Cavin said and I looked up, nodding as I took a spoon. Not eating would get me nowhere.

My eyes focused on the couple across from me again and I couldn't help but notice how uneasy the atmosphere felt. His hand was resting on her arm, gripping it tightly enough to bruise. She didn't wimper, but stared stoically ahead without any trace of emotion on her face. Her wild red curls fell down, covering pieces of her face but I could easily see that she was covered in bruises. Dark angry welts that stood out clearly against her white skin. The bruises were a heavy purple, some black and green.

Darcy moved his hand lower to grab her wrist and she turned, glaring at him with as much fury and hatred as could be kept in one person's body without them imploding. He said nothing in response her her reaction, but I could tell by his eyes, by the way a small satisfied grin stretched across his lips that he derived some kind of joy from her pain. He found her anger amusing. He saw her as nothing more than a toy.

"Pretty, isn't she." He drawled across the table to me, as he stroked his finger across her skin almost affectionately.

Shira turned her cold eyes towards them. "She would be prettier without all the bruises tainting her skin, no? It's such a shame to see them like that." She sighed and Darcy offered a crude smile, his snake like eyes finding mine once again and I could hear the venom in his voice before he spoke. I was very careful to keep an expressionless face as he spoke the next line as I knew he was patiently waiting for my reaction, feeding off of it even.

His lips twisted up into a sick smile. " I view it quite differently Shira. She's like my personal human canvas, I can paint on bruises and blood as I like. She's too helpless to stop me. I think she even enjoys the attention, she's becoming a masterpiece with every strike."

Lily began shaking back and forth and I saw a rage I'd never seen enter her eyes and I almost wanted to leave the table. I could sense something bad was about to happen.

"Stop fucking twitching." Darcy spat as Lilly stilled in her seat, her wild red hair falling tangled around her shoulders. Then she moved quickly, almost quicker than I could catch as she grabbed the steak knife and plunged it into the side of Darcy's neck.

You go Lily! Let's piss off the angry vampire even more. You show him who's boss. Wooooooo. Do you guys think Lily is being irrational or just standing up for herself? Do you think aurora is being clever or is the approach she's taking the wrong one?

Please vote if you enjoyed the chapter! ♥️

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