Chapter 22

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I was reading in my room around noon when the door opened and Lily came in. I knew immediately by her expression that something was wrong. She smiled at me, but I could pick out the unease in her smile. She was uncomfortable.

I set the book down, marking the page before I gave her my full attention.

"What is it?"

She grimaced, looking away. "I thought I should warn you, just Incase."

I nodded slowly, before motioning for her to continue. She sighed deeply, her eyes flitting around the room as she thought carefully about her words.

"Normally wolves find their mates at eighteen. Most of the time, they find them within a few weeks up to a few months. However, Isaac didn't meet you until he was twenty two. After the first year passed, he became disheartened and then another one passed and he began lose hope."

I raised an eyebrow, not understanding what point she was trying to make.

"There was a girl... someone he was close to."

Oh. Now I understood.

"I shouldn't feel threatened by that. He's my mate."

She nodded in understanding. "Yes of course, Isaac would never ... not now. But you have to realize that they have history. Her name is Gloria and her mate died not long after she found him and she saw Isaac as a replacement for a long time."

I felt uneasy as I struggled to swallow her words before I scrunched my eyebrow in confusion.

"So, where exactly is she?"

"She's one of the pack's most renowned warriors so she was training with other packs for the past few weeks. But she's back today or tomorrow I believe."

I frowned. "I'd thought that Isaac might of mentioned something about it."

Lily shrugged. "He probably thinks you've nothing to worry about. He's only seen her friendly side."

I looked up at her in apprehension. "Is she nice?"

Lily pursed her lips before answering without any hesitation. "No."

I felt dread set in at the thought of an upcoming confrontation. I wasn't a very confrontational person, unlike Lily and Esme I was quieter and avoided conflict however I had a feeling this time it would be avoidable.

But I couldn't help but feel a little hurt that I didn't even know about this until Lily brought it up with me. I wouldn't been none the wiser if she hadn't told me. I leaned across and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you Lily."

I had to realize that this Gloria was also a pack member yet Lily still saw me as a friend enough to warn me about her.

"Don't let her walk on you. You're our Luna and you have authority. Make her eat her words."

I raised an eyebrow and Lily grinned.

"She's a bitch."

She saw my startled look and she sighed, leaning back onto the bed.

"She was in charge of my unit when we'd train so she'd be in charge of us and she'd deliberately match up the weakest with the strongest to shame those who were weak. If the stronger refused to beat the weak until they lost consciousness she'd punish them."

She looked away. "I wasn't weak or strong, but that approach to having power was disturbing to see."

I frowned, taking a disliking to what I had heard so far and I nodded. "I understand."

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