Chapter 15

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Isaac's p.o.v

"How many medics do we have?" I asked, grabbing the last of the equipment and throwing it into the Jeep.

"Two and the sub-pack has another, so that's 150 wolves you're taking, leaving another 200 here to protect the pack in your absence. The warriors are set to go and awaiting your orders Alpha." Allen said and I nodded, eager to get going already. We had determined it would travel by car until we reach the border and then we will run the extra seven miles to the town, to make sure we're in the best state to fight.

Suddenly his eyes glazed over and at the same for I received the same message through a mind-link. My third in command seemed slightly panicked as his voice resonates through my head.

"Alpha, beta. I think you two might want to come to the cellar."

I stilled, wondering why he had taken someone to the dungeons. We rarely caught any rogues and if we did, It would just be a runaway or if there were any bigger issues then we'd contact the high council for advice. I exchanged glances with Allen as we quickly headed towards the basement. I was irritated that something had stopped us moments before we had to leave. I sighed deeply, rubbing the tension forming in my temples and fought the urge to hit something. I started towards the cells with a brisk pace, already in a foul mood.

I only began to slow down as a saw Seán, my third in command standing by the cells. I began to gather that there was something out of the ordinary when I saw his stuff posture and uncertain eyes flittering back and forth. My eyes caught an older man who held the cell bars between his hands as he glared intently ahead. What shook me to the core however, were his eyes, a familiar bright green. However they were much different than the ones I knew, there wasn't a trace of anything lively or hopeful. They were empty, like looking into a void.

Seán turned to me, motioning towards the man.

"Who is he?" I asked although I already knew the answer. He answered before Seán could get the chance.

"Laken. I'm Aurora's father."


Aurora's p.o.v

It was over an hour later that the first sign of the vampires Came. One of Andrea's two sons came into the back of the store, his face flushed and his eyes wide. I knew exactly what he was going to say before he said it.

"The vampires have entered the town."

His shoulders dropped as he met our eyes, our hands wrapped around steaming mugs of tea. Maybe he felt embarrassed, it seemed like that, as he averted his eyes and then looked towards Andrea again.

"The want all the humans in the square in ten minutes."

Andrea sighed deeply, turning her dark eyes on us and nodding. "I expected something of this sort. You three stay here and stay hidden."

They left the shop and we sat in silence. It had been an hour and the vampires were gathering all the humans. I could only hope nobody would be killed until Isaac Came. Then I wondered if Isaac could even fight off the vampires. Lily seemed to pick up on my mood and gently nudged my side.

"It'll be okay, Luna."

I offered a half-smile. "I think we've been through enough to call each other by first names. It makes me feel awkward when you call me by a title."

She smiled softly. "As you wish Aurora."

My forehead creased in worry as I gently tapped the side of the mug. "Will he be able to defeat them?"

Lily's eyes lit up in understanding and she let out a dark chuckle. "Isaac is perfectly capable of leading the pack against them. He is a most acclaimed leader, and he will probably call upon one of the sub-packs. I can't say that there will be no casualties but I can say that the vampires will not win" She said, her eyes burning with a determination that made my spirit shoot up.

I still felt uneasy though, as guilt ate away at me. Here we were, sipping tea in the back of a shop as the humans lined up in the square. I couldn't help but feel that we were sacrificing them for us. Not that they would be killed, but the possibility was there. It messed with my head, I never thought I'd be put in a situation where I was left questioning the value of a person. But the again, leaving Arden had thought me a lot. The value of friendship and memory, the resilience of a fighting spirit and most importantly, to not run away from your emotions. The latter I still had to tackle, but I tried to promise myself that whatever happened with Isaac, I would let it flow the way the world meant it to.

We should hide, I feel like sitting ducks just waiting for them." Miriam said and Lily gave a slow shrug.

"No point, they'd sniff us out in seconds If they came in. That's how they've determined we're in the town in the first place, they just can't pinpoint our scents and it would take too long to search the entire town."

"So what do you suppose they'll do?" Miriam asked and I hoped she wouldn't. I think we all had an idea of what they would do, or what they could do, but nobody wanted to voice those thoughts. I could see all the colour drain from Lily's face and I spoke up.

"Let's just hope the wolves get here before the vampires take any drastic action. We have to remember we have the element of surprise, the vampires don't know that we contacted Isaac."

"And you think they'll believe we're holed up in this town without a plan?" Miriam snapped and Lily turned to her, shrugging. I had to admire how she let Miriam's remarks wash over her. Out of the three of us, her anxiety was the most apparent and  it left the room feeling smaller than it actually was.

"Let's hope they do."

Another few minutes tickled by until Andrea's sons returned into the shop, their  faces white. I could see the horror written all over them even before they spoke and I found myself dreading the words.

"20 minutes." One muttered, his eyes finding mine under the natural light of midday.

Until what exactly. Nobody spoke as the brothers exchanged knowing looks, ones that shook me to the core.

"They segregated the town in half. Twenty minutes to give you up or they're going to slaughter half our population."

Well dang. Isaac hurry tf up. Should've gotten an Uber or sumtin. Smh

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