Chapter 17

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Wake up Aurora. You will not die here. I tried to push myself to wake up, my determination at full level as I pushed my conscious mind to the surface. I could feel the haziness and the dizzy spell wash over me as sunlight hit my face and I groaned, falling backwards. I was in and out of consciousness and fighting to stay awake but my determination kept my spirit fighting.

"It's time to go to sleep, Aurora." Darcy's voice echoed around me and forced me into reality, as if frozen water had hit me. I was on the ground, bent at an awkward angle with my shoulder pressed against the stone wall as if I had been chucked onto the floor.

"I thought you were out cold." Darcy grinned, his dark eyes shining. "It's a shame I didn't get to claim you."

I scooted back, realizing I didn't have the strength or ability to fight anymore. My mind was all over the place and my body felt so physically weak that I could barely move but I forced myself to my feet and scurried forward, holding the sides of the wall to steady myself. I hurried down the streets, empty of any people and I could hear my own heavy footsteps, mocking me as they echoed through the street.

"Where do you plan to run Aurora."

'Wherever the hell you aren't. ' I thought as I moved towards the entrance to the town, towards the rest of the people that stared at my shaking form in horror. I'm sure I looked like a right state, covered in blood and hobbling like a drunk.

I saw Lily was still fighting Cavin and some townsfolk had joined in to aid her. There were other vampires in the town, I saw the twins as they ripped through humans in the distance, as well as unfamiliar faces I didn't recognize. The smell of blood tainted the air and just as I was about to give up hope I heard the scream of one of the locals, ripping through the stiff air and bringing life to my soul.

"The wolves!! The wolves are here!"

I fell to my knees, the pebbles cutting into my palms as I stared ahead in hope, towards the entrance of the town. But then I felt a heaviness hit the back of my head and then my forehead was bashed against the ground.

"I think it's time to end this Aurora." Darcy said solemnly as he casually walked towards me, his strides full of an easy confidence that set me at ill-ease. I hobbled back as he continued towards me, his eyes dark and nasty , following my every move.

I felt fear creep up my body but then someone stepped in front of me, his body covering my hobbled form. I could feel the anger radiating off of him as he faced Darcy.

I felt shock run through my body, watching his familiar stance.

"Dad?" I asked, my voice wavering. Darcy lunged towards him at the same time that my dad moved and they both collided at the same time. Darcy's hands moved to wrap around his neck as my father put his hands on his chest and Darcy fell to the ground in pain, shrieking as the pain hit him.

I raised myself onto my knees, crying as I crawled towards him slowly. I could see it happening, I could feel I coming but I couldn't stop it.

Darcy's hand shot out, wrapped around my father's neck and broke it as if it were a twig. I heard the sound echo, I saw his limp body hit the ground and I knew, I knew in that moment that I had just watched my father die.

I almost didn't feel it, the pain, the regret. I stared ahead blankly In disbelief. Darcy looked up, his eyes dark. What completely took me by surprise was the look in his eyes, it wasn't contempt, or even satisfaction. He stared back at me with confusion and disbelief and just as he stood up, a huge black wolf collided with his body and sank his teeth into his neck. It took seconds, mere seconds. I couldn't look away, as I saw his body torn to shreds.

The wolf turned to me, his eyes wide as he approached, shifting as he crawled over to my body. Isaac's eyes were grey and dark as he wrapped his arms around my shaking form. He hadn't a scrap of clothing on but I barely noticed. I didn't even notice the wolves fill into the town and surround us, taking down any remaining vampires in seconds. I didn't feel anything except for the arms wrapped around me.

"I'm so sorry Aurora."

I clutched to his body, like a drowning man.I barely realized that he was covered in blood because all I could focus on was how warm he was and how familiar it felt to be in his arms even though it shouldn't feel that way. I felt so overwhelmed that I couldn't even form coherent thought so I gently laid my head against his chest and focused on steadying my breathing. His hands ran through my hair in an effort to calm me down .

"I'm sorry it took me so long." He said lowly, his voice just above a whisper. I stilled, my body feeling heavy as led as I chanced looking up at him and cracked half a smile although I'm sure it came out as more of a grimace.

He simply wrapped his arms around me together and tried to shield my eyes from my father's body. His eyes glazed over and I saw wolves move to take my father away.

"Isaac." I looked up, my eyes glassy and crystal clear. He looked down at me, just as distraught as he moved the stray pieces of hair that fell over my eyes.

"I know." He said, he didn't have to say anything more. Nothing would be enough, nothing would even get through to me right now.

But in the midst of all my confusion and haziness, there was one thing I knew. I realized in that moment that it was over, the fight with the vampires. But it was the start of something much, much bigger.

Hey guys I felt a lot better so I wrote a chapter, it's a little shorter than normal but Isaac has finally found her!!!!
Who do you guys picture as Isaac? Give me some ideas 💡
At long last they're together 😫😉

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