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  "Hey, so about what I wanted to ask you..." Jungkook says

" What's ur number? I just realized I don't have it."  He says with a smile.

"Oh, it's **********."

"Thanks! I'll see you later?"

"Yeah. Bye."

As you walk to your first class, you pass Rose. She elbows you and keeps walking in the opposite direction. The force of it knocks you to the ground. You see Namjoon look towards you. He seems worried about you. He walks up to you and helps you stand up.

"Thanks." you say blankly.

"No problem." He responds.

" Hey, why weren't you talking to me?" He asks.

" Why do you think? Rose will kill me if I do. She thinks I am trying to take you from her." 

"Oh. I didn't realize she was treating you that way. I'm sorry. I'll talk to her about it."

"No. I'm fine. you don't have to." you respond. 

"But I want to."

"Just don't. Please?"

He looks at you. This situation reminds you of sixth grade, when you were being bullied by someone. Namjon stood up for you. He had your back. Then you were friends ever since. That was when you also began to like him. Now, you didn't feel like you needed him to stand up for you. You wanted to be on your own for this one. 

"Well I'll see you later." you say to him.

You start to walk off when he grabs your arm.

"Are you sure your okay?"

"Yup. Now I've got to go to class before I am late again." you respond

*Time skip to the end of the day*

You are about to leave when you remember you have detention.

You walk in and spot someone . Jungkook. You forgot, the teacher gave him one too. You also notice Namjoon with him.

You walk up to them and are about to start talking when the teacher says to sit down. You sit in the back with them. Namjoon smiles in your direction, with the signature dimples.

You smile back. No reason to avoid him when Rose isn't here. 

Your phone dings, quiet enough that the teacher doesn't hear. You check it and see a message from Namjoon. 

* R we cool now* 

*We were always cool* you respond.

*I only avoided u bc I didn't want to get between u and Rose* you add.

*I'm sorry for the way she is treating you. I promise I will talk to her.*


After detention you grab your phone and headphones and blast BTS. "Dimple/ Illegal" comes on. You smile at the title and show Namjoon.

"This song was meant for you." you say with a laugh. 

"Dimple?" he responds.

"Yeah. You have total dimples."

"No way." he replies.

"Want me to prove it? Here, smile. I'll take a picture."


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