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Hey! Here is another chapter! Hope you enjoy! 


*I broke up with Rose*

You read this text over and over. Part of you wants to feel happy, but the other part of you is scared and sad. You are happy because your crush isn't dating some jerk anymore. Scared, because you don't know if this means Rose will come after you, and sad because you know Namjoon must be sad. He did really like her. 

*Namjoon POV*

(This is during the break-up btw)

"Hey Rose. Can I talk to you for a second?"

Oh god. How am I supposed to tell her this? I guess I will just be out with it.

"Yeah. What's up?" Rose responds.

"I think we should break up." you say.

"Is this because of y/n." she says, anger in her eyes.

"Um, yeah, kind of. I don't like the way you've been treating her and I just don't think that you and I work anymore."

She responds with, "Fine. If that's what you want."

After that she walks off snapping at someone as she goes. 

You feel glad to be rid of her. If you knew she acted that way, you might've never dated her. After all, she was never the one you truly loved. 

But the one you truly love, you could never date.

*End of Namjoon POV*

You have to go to work. Ugh. Starbucks can usually save any situation. But not this one.

The only thing to distract you from this reality is music. You put on the BTS Love Yourself 'Tear' album and begin making people's orders. Two hours later you finish your short shift for the day and drive home. 

When you get home you walk in to find your mom on the couch. She is home earlier than you expected. You greet her and grab some food from the pantry. You hear the doorbell ring and your mom goes to answer it.  A minute later she calls you to the door.

"There's someone here to see you." she says.

Curious you join her at the door. Inside your house is the last person you would expect. Rose. 

"She says you and her have to work on a project for school?" your mom says.  

Not knowing what to say or expect, you respond with a dull "Oh yeah."

But there is no project. She is here for something else. 

"Why don't you go up to your room to work on it." your mom suggests. 

"Uhh... sure."

Rose gives you a look that only you can decipher. She is here about Namjoon. You shouldn't have had your mom let her into your house, but it's too late now. 

Why did Namjoon have to break up with her? Is it because of you? What did Namjoon say to her? Your thoughts are interrupted by Rose. You look up to see her holding a picture of you and Namjoon. She throws it at the wall and it shatters and falls to the ground with a thud. Her mascara is running. At this moment you think of her as a crazy psychopath. You don't know what to do. You sit there feeling broken and depressed while Rose continues to destroy your room. 

You hear the door open and turn around to see Namjoon. He comes to you first to make sure you are okay. Then he tells you to leave, because he has to talk to Rose.

When he has you go back Rose is gone and he is fixing up your room. You don't know what to say. 

So you start with, "How did you know she was here?"

"Some guy came up to me and said that Rose had said she was planning to get revenge. He didn't know what that meant but he thought he should warn me. Of course I knew what that meant and came straight here." he said. 

"Well thank you." you say. 

"Did eomma ask you why you were here?" 

"No, she was asleep on the couch when I got here." he responds with a laugh.

"Oh. Well she has been worn out lately. I can't believe all that noise didn't wake her up."

He stops cleaning and comes over to you. 

"Look. I'm really sorry this happened to you. You don't deserve this." he says.

You look down at your shoes and blush. When you look up again he meets your eyes. He touches your cheek.

"Your bleeding." he says.

" Oh. It might be from the shattered glass." you respond

"What glass? What happened?" he asks worry in his eyes. 

"Rose found a picture of us and it was in a glass frame. She kinda threw it at the wall and it shattered." you say.

"Oh." he responds.

"Why don't we clean that up." he offers.

You lead him to the shattered glass and get to work cleaning it up. 

As you clean up the glass you talk and laugh just like old times. When you finish you stare at the room. You start laughing. You have no idea why you are, but you keep laughing. Then he joins in and you both end up on your backs in a fit of laughter. 

You interlock pinkies. 


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"I won't leave you like that again." he says.

"I want to always be there for you. No matter what." he adds.

You sit up and look at him. You are about to say something when Namjoon says.

"Look. I have to tell you something." 

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