Useful {Castiel X Reader}

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Summary: Human!Castiel struggles to take care of the sick reader without his Grace.

Pairing: Cas X Reader

Reader gender: neutral

Warnings: so much fluff your teeth will fall out


"You're not coming."

"Bite me, Winchester. Yes I am." Narrowing your eyes viciously at Dean, you turned on your heel to march towards your bedroom, but the sudden movement sent a wave of dizziness crashing over you, twisting your stomach into painful knots. Your feet froze in place as you swayed precariously back and forth, the room spinning around you.

"Y/N," you heard Castiel saying, but his voice sounded muffled, like you had cotton stuffed in your ears. As you began to regain your balance, your hearing became clearer, and you felt his hands hesitantly gripping your shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Cas," you muttered, trying not to sound too irritated. Ever since the fall, Castiel had been a lot more... sensitive, and the last thing you wanted was him to think you didn't want his help, and so you gave him a forced but nonetheless grateful smile. "Thank you."

"Y/N, you're sick," Dean stated, crossing his arms over his chest. "You can barely stand up, much less go on a hunt. You're staying here and that's final."

"But I-"

"No buts," Sam chimed in, joining you, Dean, and Cas in the kitchen with his duffel bag packed and slung over his shoulder. He looked you up and down, taking in your paled complexion, the dark shadows beneath your eyes, and your weak figure holding onto the wall to steady yourself, and he let out a sigh. "It's just one hunt, Y/N. Cas will be here to keep you company and we'll be back before you know it."

Moving your head slowly as to not trigger another bout of vertigo, you turned to look at Cas, who was giving you a shy, weak smile, almost apologetic as if he was sorry you would be stuck with him, and you softened, letting out a long exhale. "Fine," you grumbled. With a final goodbye, the boys headed up the stairs of the bunker, and just before the door shut behind them, you could hear Dean muttering to Sam, "And you call me the stubborn one."

The heavy door swung closed, and you and Cas simply stood in the kitchen-you leaning against the wall, and he standing awkwardly beside you, watching you with sympathy in his crystalline eyes. After a moment, he finally broke the silence.

"Perhaps you should get some rest, Y/N," he suggested hesitantly, peering at you from beneath those long, dark lashes.

"Yeah," you breathed out, nodding. You squeezed your eyes tightly together and pressed your fingers to your temple in an attempt to soothe some of the pain pounding away in your head. "Yeah, I will."

You chuckled a little when Cas placed his hand gently on the small of your back, guiding you to a couch in the sitting room and helping you steady yourself when the room spun and your feet stumbled. At last, he sat you down on the couch and handed you the remote to the TV before asking, "Do you need me to get you anything?"

You shook your head. "Thanks, Cas, but you don't have to take care of me. You have yourself to worry about." It was true; Castiel was still having a difficult time adjusting to being human. Most of the time, it was you taking care of him, which of course you didn't mind but you still didn't want Castiel worrying about you when he had his own struggles.

"But I want to help as much as I can, even if I no longer have my Grace to speed the healing process," he persisted.

Your heart swelled a little at that, and even though you were usually the kind of person to take care of yourself and resist any coddling from other people, there was no way you could say no to Cas, especially not with his blue eyes gazing at you so eagerly and with so much concern.

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