Realisation {Dean X Reader}

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Summary: You get captured by a demon and Dean rescues you whilst realising that he is totally in love with you.

Warning: A tiny bit of fluff, blood/torturing.


Slowly you pull out your hotel key from your pocket but you stop when you hear a bit of giggling from a few doors down. You look to see who it is; it's Dean. Only he has his arms around the waist of a brunette, nothing new to you; he must be celebrating since we just got done with a case. Even though the other demon got away; we'll hunt him down another day.

Dean gives you a smile and a thumbs up, all you do is turn away trying your hardest not to cry. You crash through the door just wanting to get away from them. Swiftly you take off of your jacket throwing it against the chair, you're so frustrated that he does that. It's not that you two are together, but you can't even make it more obvious that you have feelings for him. Laying down in your bed you being to think about the time that you fell asleep in Dean's arm; you close your eyes.


"(Y/N)! Your fine it's just a dream your fine!" Dean screams shaking you


"No get away from me! Get away!" You say with your eyes still closed.

"Open your eyes!" He yells.

You're finally able to open to see that you have a hand full of Dean's shirt in your hands. You were so confused, what is he doing here, that last thing you know is that you were getting dragged through the woods.

"What are you doing here?"

"You were having a nightmare; I could hear you from next door." He wipes a tear from your face.

"Oh." You let go of his shirt, "I'm sorry that I woke you up."

"Your fine (Y/N), are you okay?" He asks.

You lean your back against the bed headboard, "Yeah don't worry about me I'm fine."

"Okay." He stands up to leave the room, but he is hesitating to walk.

You readjust the blanket to cover your legs as you bend your knees to rest your arms on them. You look at him to say in a low voice, "Could you stay for a bit? We could watch a little TV."

"Yeah sure." He says as he lays next to you crossing his feet over each other and crossing his arms to just look at the TV.

You give him the remote so that your able to try and go back to sleep. You could feel him adjust his body this way he is fully laying down next to you. Then you turn your body so that you're facing him with your eyes closed just enjoying his presence. Out of nowhere you feel his hand touch your face moving a piece of hair behind your ear. "Thanks for keeping me company Dean."

"Goodnight (Y/N)." He says in a soft voice.

The next morning you find your face buried into Dean's chest, he is just so warm. His arms were wrap around you loosely, you don't even bother moving all you do is go back to sleep.

(End of Flashback)


You open your eyes to realizing that you are daydream, you just stare at the ceiling just trying to think about something other than Dean. Only you know it's not working, he is practically all you can think about right now.

"Hello there!" A man comes up beside you covering your mouth before you can scream.

Suddenly you begin to panic, moving around trying to get away from his grip. You realize who it is, the demon Rick that got away from you guys; this can't be good. He leans down in your face, "Goodnight sweetheart."

He brings back his fist, all you feel is a sharp pain and it is lights out for you.


(Dean's Point of View)

"Wake up Dean we have to get to work!" Sam yells.

I roll over to see that he is typing away on his computer, "Fine." I wake up to take a shower, and get ready to the day; then walk over to (Y/N's) room.

Knocking on the door I yell (Y/N's) name but she doesn't answer back; 'maybe she just doesn't hear me' I think. So I knock again but there is no answer, not even a sound comes from the room. Slowly I reach for the doorknob; barely even pushing on it the door opens right up. I walk in to see that the room is neat, clean and empty; there is no trace of (Y/N). Her suitcase isn't even there the only thing is a piece of paper on the bed.

I pick up the piece of paper to see that it has a screen name written on it, but it isn't even her handwriting. She wouldn't just leave without telling us; something is very wrong. Running back over to the room "(Y/N) is gone!"

"What do you mean she is gone?" Sam asks in a panicked voice.

"I mean she isn't in her room, she is just gone!" I say beginning to freak out a lot!

"Maybe she just went out for a little bit you never know." Sam says trying to stay calm.

"No, her suitcase isn't there!" I hand him the piece of paper, "This was the only thing that was left on her bed."

"A video screen name?" Sam says confused as he walks over to his laptop typing the name in. I hear the video chat pop up as Sam says, "Uh Dean you might want to see this."

I walk over to Sam to look at the computer over his shoulder to see something that makes my heart just drop. A live video of (Y/N) tied up in a chair, in a dark place with cement walls; she has bruises and cuts all over her face and arms. "Son of a bitch." I mumble to myself.

That is when Rick comes into shot to sit in a chair right beside her. "Hello, nice of you guy to finally join us."

"Let her go!" I automatically scream.

"Easy there tiger, take it easy; don't you want to hear what I have to say?" He says in a sinister voice.

"I could care less on what you have to say; I want you to let her go right now!" I say trying to not choke up.

"Sorry it doesn't work that way sonny." He says just as (Y/N) starts to come to. "Now I want you to listen to me very careful if you want to see her again, I'm willing to do a little trade. You for her Dean, this way I can get who really killed my wife."

That is when (Y/N) eyes open up to look at the screen, "Dean don't you dare do that, do not listen to him! I'm fine, I'll be fine; I will get out of this somehow. Please do not go through with this."

"Shut up!" He hits (Y/N) right in the mouth to have blood start to pour out of her mouth; so much that she has to spit it out.

"You think that hurts, you're going to have to hit harder than that." (Y/N) is barely able to say and keep her eyes open.

Rick laughs grabbing on to her face, "You know Dean you have a gorgeous fiery girl right here, she so a tough one; let's see how tough she is after I'm done with her."

"You lay another hand on her, I will kill you!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"You want to keep her safe, come to the address that I send you. Come alone, if not I will kill her got that?"

"Fine." That's all I'm able to say.

"Can't wait to see you." He say smiles just as the screen goes black.

"Dean, we will get her back." Sam says calmly standing in front of me.

"We better!" I scream as I sling a lap across the room.

"We will." He simply says.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch! We were supposed to protect her Sam; we always said that she would be safe!" It should be me there instead of her; I would do anything to have it be me. She was the one person besides Sam that I was responsible to keep safe and I screwed it up! I will not let anything have happen to her, she need me; I'm going to be there for her. Truth is I need her just as much, maybe even more; she's my safety net.

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