A Roll In The Hay {Dean X Reader}

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Request: Hi! Can you do one where the reader horseback rides and her boyfriend (Dean or cas your pick) goes to see her ride and gets really turned on as she sits her canter in between jumps because of the way she rolls her hips?


Warnings: Might be a lil inaccurate with the horse riding. I don't actually ride myself, so I don't really know much about horse-riding. I hope I did okay. Also, minor smut. Nothing too heavy, just Dean fantasizing.


Most hunters had some type of a retreat. With Rufus, it'd been his cabin. Before Bobby had died, the auto-salvage yard had been his and the boys' hide-out. Now, however, you'd convinced the boys to come up to your farm and research.

You'd been hunting since you were a kid. Your parents had been hunters and you'd followed in their footsteps. But instead of any sort of credit-card fraud, your parents had supported you through farming, sending you to school, letting you have your own horse even. You'd been doing riding competitions since you were a little girl and you'd always been good with animals.

Sam and Dean were always very generous about letting you spend time with your horse too. You only had the two now, you'd had to sell the others after your parents were murdered by an angry werewolf a couple years back. Now you just had your childhood companion, a beautiful black Arabian mare that had been there for you through thick and thin. They weren't so happy at you being up at such early hours of the morning, but they'd learnt to deal with it in time.

You knew the boys through Bobby. You'd been like a niece to him, always popping down while your parents were still alive to make sure he was all right and helping with hunts even after that. You'd been on call during the apocalypse, getting your neighbours to take care of your horse when you had to go help out the boys. That was how you'd gotten together with Dean.

You'd liked him as a kid, the both of you staying at Bobby's at the same time while your parents went out on hunts together. You'd had the money then to have someone else take care of your horses while you were away, so you'd spend the time hanging out with Dean and his kid-brother Sam.

When the apocalypse had cropped up though, you'd admitted your feelings to Dean. You'd had about a half a bottle of whisky which had helped give you the nerve to do it and you figured you may as well. After all, you'd figured you'd probably be dead son either way, no time like the present. Thankfully, he'd returned your feelings and you'd been together since.

In the year he'd spent with you after Sam had gone to hell, you'd almost taught him how to ride. He thought it was great, the lovable dork pretending to be a cowboy or something. It was sweet and endearing and only really made you love him more.

He'd never really spent any time around when you'd gone for a ride though, always finding something else to do, cleaning or organising, mucking out the stables for you. It was nice of him, but you'd never really understood why.

Unbeknownst to you, however, that was going to change. You'd left Sam and Dean inside, the research boring you to tears. You'd figured a bit of a ride would help both you and your horse. You were practicing riding bareback, taking your horse through a course of jumps, pacing yourselves at a light canter, so you didn't really notice when Dean came out and leaned against the fence, watching you.

It started out innocently enough. He was just watching you ride, appreciating how well you worked with the horse to weave your way around the course, easily making jumps that looked like they might've made him fall. Slowly though, his eyes wandered down to where your hips rolled against the saddle. His mind couldn't help but wander to other situations where your hips rolled like that, the motion so similar to when you wanted to be on top.

He tried to shake the thoughts away, slightly embarrassed but as he continued to watch you, his thoughts couldn't help but return to the bedroom, you above him, grinding against him as you rode him, his hands gripping your waist, the moans you made above him.

He was pulled from his thoughts by two things. Firstly, his train of thought was making him hard. Secondly, you'd noticed him and had stopped riding for the moment, jumping down from your horse and heading over to him. He quickly tried to compose himself, facing you directly and standing so that his crotch was behind one of the poles in the fence between you.

You strode over, completely oblivious to your boyfriend's problem, and pecked him quickly on the lips. "You tired of researching too?

He shifted uncomfortably behind the fence, leaning forward on it so that his face was closer to yours. "Yeah, I thought it might be better if I got some fresh air. Sammy's all right on his own for now."

"You never watch me ride though. Did ya like what you saw?" You threw in a flirty wink and laughed. That was until you saw him redden slightly and give a nervous chuckle, pulling a hand through his hair and causing you to frown lightly. You stepped slightly to the side, flicking your eyes up and down through the fence before catching sight of what was causing his embarrassment.

Your eyes widened and flicked up to his own, causing a blush to spread through your own cheeks as well. You quickly composed yourself however, raising an eyebrow at him with a mischievous smirk. "Well, I didn't realise I was that good."

He gave another nervous chuckle, trying to shake his embarrassment with a confident smile. "I'm sorry y/n, you just look really sexy when you roll your hips like that." You smirked at him, leaning in to kiss him. It was a short kiss, but it was passionate and rough, him quickly trying to take control of it as your tongues battled for dominance. You pulled away before it got too heated however, giving him your best seductive smile.

"Want to go for a roll in the hay then?" You waggled your eyebrows, happy with your subtle play on words. He laughed too, hands reaching up to cup your face and getting as close to you as possible despite the fence between you.

"God yes", he chuckled before taking your lips in another, rough kiss.

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