A Witch's Curse Dean X Reader

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Summary: A witch puts a spell on you, Sam and Dean whilst on a hunt...

Warnings: Fluff, mention of blood


You sat in the backseat of the Impala, staring out the window as the scenery passed by. Dean was singing along to whatever song was playing (you weren't really listening), and Sam was sleeping soundly in the passenger seat.

Dean started singing along to the guitar, and you sighed internally. Dean, I love you, but you seriously need to shut up. You thought, wishing for some peace and quiet.

"Whatcha thinkin?" Dean asked, raising his voice to be heard over his music.

"Nothing." You shrugged. "Just excited for the hunt. Witches are always exciting."

"It should be over quickly. Then we can go out for drinks!" He exclaimed, giving you a cheeky smile.

You hoped you weren't blushing, and looked back out the window. Why do you have to be such a flirt? You groaned internally. Did he seriously not realize how big a crush you had on him?

Suddenly, Sam jerked awake, hitting his foot on the dashboard. "Dude, be careful!" Dean exclaimed, hitting Sam's arm.

"Don't be such a dick. I just woke up." Sam whined, hitting Dean back.

You watched as both brothers hit each other back and forth. Children. You thought.

Dean finally parked the car, and you all climbed out. Sam stretched and you heard a few distinct pops from his back. Dean went to the trunk and pulled out some guns and knives, then distributed them.

The witch was staying in a nice little cottage, which stood alone. The nearest house was a five minute drive; you could make as much noise as you wanted. Normally you wouldn't go out and kill the witch, but this one had already murdered a dozen people, and you had to stop her.

Sam and Dean went through the front of the house, and you went around back. She had a very nice garden, and you made a mental note to burn the plants after the hunt; they were probably used in her spells.

You entered the house, and walked into a laundry room. A washer and dryer stood along one wall, and then pictures were taped all around the room. Your eyes widened as you found all the victims, and some other people you didn't recognize.

"Do you like my collage?" A sweet, light voice asked.

You spun around and saw a young woman, maybe in her late twenties, standing in the doorway with a small bowl in her hands. "This is creepy." You commented.

She giggled and and shrugged. "It helps me stay organized." She dipped her finger in the bowl, then stuck it in her mouth. "That's just right!" She exclaimed.

"Brownies?" You guessed, making your voice sarcastically cheerful.

"Oh, way more fun than that!" She exclaimed, then threw the contents of the bowl at you. You couldn't dodge it and the liquid hit you right in the face.

You quickly wiped it away, and when you looked back at the doorway, the witch was gone. "Fuck." You muttered, then left the room, hoping to find the crazy bitch.


Sam and Dean had found similar pictures all over the living room, and were properly freaked out. Dean had his gun pulled out, and headed to the kitchen with Sam at his heels.

The second they turned the corner, both brothers were splashed with a strange liquid. They both froze for a moment, shocked, but Dean had his gun out, and was quick. He fired off two shots right away, both of them landing in his target, the witch.

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