Puppy Love {Castiel X Reader}

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Summary: Castiel has been turned into a puppy by a witch and the whole entire time he's very loving and protective around you.

Warnings: Fluff tbh, not really a warning. >.<

A/N: (Y/F/S- Your Favorite Show (TV))


You were getting anxious. The boys were supposed to be back already. They went off on a hunt without you. It was just a witch and they said they figured out who the witch was already. But it was morning and they weren't back yet. Almost every case they take has some huge twist in it, but without you there with them, each tick the clock makes makes you more worried.

Castiel, for some reason, went with them. So you knew you shouldn't be worried, him being an angel and all. But on the cases you've worked on together recently, he's been sorta distracted. What if he doesn't notice while one of the witches cast a spell to hurt Sam or Dean? Or even worse, him. Then there's no way to heal them.

You send a quick prayer to Cas, hoping that they will all come back soon. As if on cue, the motel door opens up and Dean walks in, dropping the duffel bag on the nearest table, sighing.

"Oh, thank god." You run up and hug Dean with so much force if he wasn't as strong as he was, you both would've been on the floor. Sam walked in and you immediately hugged him to. Backing up, you realize the team was one down.

"Oh god. Shit. Please tell me that Castiel just went to heaven or something." You know that they won't tell you that, because it's not true. Cas always gave you the peace of mind of letting you know he was okay before flapping his wings and vanishing.

"Well... on the bright side, he's completely healthy?" Sam chuckled nervously. Then he reaches down to the ground and picks up something you didn't notice there before. A dog. With bright blue eyes. It was wagging it's tail so fast it was a blur, and looking up at you expectantly.

You raise your eyebrows. "Does somebody want to explain what happened to Cas during that case and what this puppy has to do with it?" As worried as you were, you gave the puppy a quick rub on the head. You've always been a big dog person.

Dean chimed in finally. "Let's just say that's a holy puppy."

Your eyes finally widened in realization. Looking at the dog in Sam's arms, you say, "Castiel, is that you?" The puppy wags it tail raises it's head a little bit. You grab Cas out of Sam's arms and put him on the ground, sitting next to him, as Sam explains how the witch cast one last spell before Dean could gank her.

"So why hasn't the spell worn off.. I mean you did kill the witch."

Dean groans and then says, "It's her partner, she mixed blood so it would continue even if she died. So now we have to find her partner and take care of an angel dog."

"Don't worry about Cas guys, I got him. You just please get the spell fixed."

Dean stands up from the couch he just sat down at, looking at Sammy. "Should we just go now and get this over with? We will need to drive a while to get to him, he ran once he saw us. I got word from Bobby there's a witch two towns over, though. I bet it's him."

After discussing the case a bit more, Sam and Dean grab their stuff and head out, leaving you with your new puppy.

"Cas, let's take you for a walk. I've been stuck in the bunker since you guys left, since they didn't want me going out alone. And, technically, I'm not alone anymore. You don't need a leash right?" In response, he tilted his head slightly, standing up. He was less than a foot tall and it was the cutest thing ever.

"Oh I forgot. A leash is just a way to keep a dog from running off when you walk them. But being that you're an angel, I'm sure you'll behave."

You grab your coat and head out the door, with Cas at your heal. You walk into town and venture through the streets. Cas stays at your heal the whole time, occasionally brushing up against your ankle. It was nice.

That is, until Cas flipped a shit. As you were walking down one of the roads, a man ran into you and hit you so hard that you fell. Your hand immediately went to your knife, just incase it was a demon. But Cas ran towards the man, barking, and bit his ankle. Anyone who didn't notice this scene sure as hell noticed the string of profanities that left his mouth.

You decided just to pick up your holy puppy and go back to the motel. You laughed a little at him saying, "Wow, you sure are protective." You kiss the top of his puppy head and then put him down onto the couch next to you. You decide to watch some TV.

As you pay attention to (Y/F/S), the puppy next to you is trying to figure out how to get closer to you without causing any alarm. He scoots closer so that his whole side is pressed against your leg, only to move himself so that his head is on your thigh. You decide just to pick him up and put him on your lap fully, and scratch the top of his head a little bit. "Who's a good boy?" you whisper, without thinking much of it.

When it finally begins to get late you grab a snack out of the fridge and get ready to eat. While in town, you ate a nice lunch, so you aren't too hungry. Castiel shook his head to eating, so you assumed the no hunger thing still didn't apply.

You head to your bedroom and begin to take off your shirt when you hear a bark from behind you. Still not thinking anything of it, you fully remove your shirt, before throwing on a loose tank top to sleep it. Another bark before you have a chance to change into your pajama pants finally brings you back to reality.

"Oh my god! Castiel! I'm so sorry." You open the door, and he walks out, waiting for you to be done. When you finish up you bring him back in, and lift him up onto the bed. You climb into the covers yourself, and bring him close to you, so that he's laying right near your chest.

"Good night, Cas." As a response he yips a little bit and licks your hand a little bit. It shocks you a bit, considering that it's the equivalent to a kiss in human-terms, but dismiss it as Casiel just trying to do as he's observed the other dogs in town do.


You wake up in the morning to see Cas lying in bed with you. He's back in his Jimmy Novak vessel, though. You smile, realizing that means Dean and Sam succeeded. Castiel seems to be asleep, so you try to go back to sleep, hoping that you can cuddle with him and just blame it on your unconscious self.

Sadly, he realized you woke up and said "Good morning, Y/N."

You open up your eyes to see Castiel gazing down on you, with the same look he had when his was a puppy. The look he gave you when he licked you hand. Thinking of that you ask him why he did it.

"Isn't that the way that canines show affection? Or was I mistaken?"

"No, you- um, you were right. I just meant why would you want to do that to me?"

"Because I love you, Y/N. I'm rather glad I was a canine, for it was easier for me to show you without thinking much about it. Canines usually act on instinct, I've noticed." The way Cas said it made it seem like the most obvious and normal thing to say in the world.

You decide that it's time for you to act on instinct like your temporary puppy lying next to you. "Well, then let me show you how humans show love." And with that you give him a quick, but meaningful kiss on the lips.

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