What's In A Name?

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I called you best friend so often that

when the time came to remember your

name, I couldn't. And that's how I lost


Social media proves to be a useful way

to rekindle relationships with people

you no longer see regularly,

Unless you shamefully forget the name

of the one you shamelessly told

every thing to.

The one who held your secrets like

the hand of a loved one. The one

you let trust you with their problems

the same you trust a bank-teller your

pin number.

And suddenly, I became a bank-teller,

you trusted me with every thing that

could make or break you, but I could

not remember your name the next day.

And every time I want to find you, and

tell you I made a mistake, that the

withdrawal was too big, I can't find the

pin that your name has become, a four

digit code that secures the most valuable

parts of you, and I realize the importance

such a simple series of letters or numbers

can have.

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