When I first met you, I never once imagined that this heart-pounding, breath-taking, thought-stealing...
Well... I never knew that this cluster-fucked, scattered-brain train of thoughts being derailed from all sense of logic could be the cause of anything other than anxiety.
Nervous; A feeling I did not know could taste like anything other than the salty ocean forcing its way through your mouth, its tongue licking at the flames bursting wild in your lungs as you choke on the dark fears threatening to drown you.
I did not know when I first met you that it could taste like a strawberry snow cone, the sweet syrup providing a cooling relief to the sunburned trust issues playing along the edges of our shores.
I did not know because when I first met you, you had not shown me yet.
You had not shown me that the cool breeze could caress my skin in gentle kisses, raising delicate bumps down my arms, that a chill does not have reach bone.
Since I met you, you have shown me that a sunburn can heal into a warm tan, that the pain dissipates as the mistakes shed into beautiful memories that we create.
When I first met you, I did not know the things I'd soon learn.
Because before I met you, I had not been shown what love was.