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"Great, a full week and I've already gotten my daughter to hate me!" I yell as Lance steps into the shower.

"She doesn't hate you, she was just upset about something. And if she really hated you she would've told me, remember that she's my child to." I smirked as he shouted from the shower. I was sitting across the bathroom, slowly brushing through my hair. "Give her a good nights sleep and she'll be opening up again." The water shut off as he stepped out.

I rolled my eyes, throwing him a towel. "Yeah, because teens are known for how great they are at opening up to their feelings." He started drying off, sending a glare my way.

He prowled over and I let my legs scoot back on the counter as he got closer. "Stop being over dramatic, its too hot for a forty year old." I gasped, pushing him back as he blocked me with his arms.

"I am 39 and you know it!" My voice is flustered as he keeps laughing.

"Not for long viejo!" I get off the counter, pushing him back to the bed as we both fall over. "oof." His back hits the bed with sharp sound and I laugh even harder as his face cringes. 

He pulls me up, hugging around my middle as my head fits in the crook of his neck. "I missed this." I say, hearing him hum softly in response. "Just you and me, not doing anything... big or flashy. Just being together. It's nice having the kids, having them still sleep with us, but sometimes I just want to be with you. Alone." I looked up, seeing his soft eyes.

"You still thinking about wanting another Baby?" I squinted as he rocked back and forth. I nodded and he chuckled. "Consider it done." He kissed my forehead, pulling around my shoulders.  My eyes started to sway closed as his fingers brushed through my dark dusky down. The lids of my eyes fall forward, my ears being the last scent to start to fade into sleep. "Goodnight my Beauty, rest as love as your heart desires." 



(month 1, week 4)

I know that we are dropping off more than half of the crew before we land, but this is just bothering. Keith is exhausted all the time, the bio teams are out of fresh foods, ready to stab the  engineers is they try to make one more robot. Navigations accidentally lead us off track a few days back, now our three month trip will be about three months and two weeks. Well, the rest of the crew will be a month and two days from Landing. My family is going farther with our own mission.

James contacted us two days ago for talks with our family, almost everyone had gone through by now. Everyone was meeting up after my family got on so we could say 'hi' to our newest little space cadet. 

Ryan and Ina had their baby boy right before Hera went into Space, and they really wanna show their Space family. A lot of us know about Ryan's family being taken, and Ina only has her mother now, so our big Garrison Family is all they have. The two had made sure not to let anyone know it was a boy, but I was sure that it had to be, two girls was enough on its own. 

I walking through the halls, right pass the call center, hearing small cries. I looked in, seeing Philip sitting in front of a black screen. I slowly walked into the doorway, watching him before speaking up. "Knock knock, you okay Phil?" His head snapped back, quickly scurrying to his feet in salute. 

 "Captain!" I smirked as he followed protocol. 

I almost let my head drop as I walked in. "Phil, it's been a month, I'm pretty sure you are the only one still using protocol. Sit down." He slowly sat back down as I pulled out the chair next to him. "Guessing there was another update on Elena's health?" He stiffened, nodding slowly, which told me everything that I needed to know. "I'm so sorry Philip, I know this really must hurt." 

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