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Kaycee's POV

You've guessed it. It's been 2 weeks since it happened, and 2 weeks since I've talked to Sean. I'm currently going to Gabe's house to surprise him.

As I walk into the driveway I knock on the door and heat giggling inside. A girl in a long large shirt with nothing underneath opens the door and puts her hand out with some money on it.

She looks back at me and widens her eyes. "Your not the pizza guy...." she says and I get angry. "Tati. I knew it" I say and she looks down. "Hey babe what's taking so lon-." Then he sees me.

"Babe..." he says and I shake my head. "I'm not your babe anymore. Save that for her. Or whoever next to choose to hook up with while your dating her. Have a good day dick" I say and run off.

I find my legs leading me to Sean's house as I stand. Right in front of it. He was telling the truth. And I didn't believe him..

I knock on the door and nerves start to flood my system. He opens the door and widen his eyes. "Sean. I'm sorry" I say with tears streaming down my face and he instantly pulls me into a hug.

"You found out the hard way didn't you?" He asks me and I nod my head into his chest still crying. I let go of him and and smile trying to calm myself down. "But that's not the only reason why I came here" I say and he gives me a confused look.

"Well, since you've obviously helped me in my relationship and helped me get that dickhead away, I'm gonna find you, a loving and caring girlfriend" I say and his eyes widen. "No kaycee im uh I'm go-." But I cut him off by pushing him inside and running to the table to get paper and pens.

"Sean, you helped me, now I'm helping you" I say.

It takes a lot of convincing for him to finally agree. We go through some girls and his denied all. I sigh as I have my last option with me and look at him.

"So, what do you think about Tate McRae?" I ask and he pauses. "Yep! Ok! I'm scheduling a date now!" I shout before he even had the chance to think.

This is gonna be gReAt.

Sean's POV.

As kaycee asks me which girls I deny all in one instant. What I plan to do with all the rest until she puts her own name up.

As she pulls the last name, my mind goes back to the past. Tate's name just makes my mind blank as I think of old childhood memories.

I make a mental note to hang with her soon but, that took too long. As the next thing I know, is that I'm going on a date with her tonight. Well this is gonna be awkward. I only see her as a friend..

Time skip.

I'm currently sitting in a restaurant with Tate in front of me and it's pretty awkward. "Why is this so awkward.." she asks and I chuckle. "Because were friends, then I'm kinda on a date with you so.." I say and she nods while chuckling.

"Well please save me a night from nightmare, and let's pretend that this is just friends having dinner at a fancy restaurant" she says and I chuckle while nodding.

I turn my phone off and slip it in my back pocket. Well this is gonna be interesting.

Time skip. (Sos I have no idea what to write)

I'm driving back home from the date I had with Tate and it was actually pretty good. I'd like to do it again some time..

As I walk in the house smiling to myself I close the door and walk upstairs. I change and get ready for bed. Forgetting to check my phone, I fall on the bed and sigh. "This is it. Am I finally going to get over Kaycee Rice?" I say to myself and smile. I get comfortable and suddenly frown.

"But is that what I want? What I need?"

Kaycees POV.

I was at Sean's since he left me here for his date. I sigh and look at the time. "He should be here by now" I say and start getting stressed. I quickly text him a "Are you ok? Is it all good?". Didn't respond. Hasn't seen.

I sigh and mentally scold myself. "His probably just having fun with Tate. Your not the only girl he would ever love. You have to get over that.." I say to myself and sigh.

I hear a car door shut outside and I grin. I run upstairs and hide in Sean's closet so I could scare him. I hear him come in the house and into his room. He takes and shower and he comes out. I peek through and luckily he was wearing a towel over.

He walks to his drawer and I close my eyes and move back quietly to give him some privacy. Even tho I've already seen all of him... omg kaycee stop. You sound like a slut.

I look back and he has some shorts on and his shirtless. I see him walk to his bed and lay there.
I mentally scream at myself.

Why am I still here?! what am I doing?!

I was about to go and leave but then I heard Sean. "This is it. Am I finally going to get over Kaycee Rice?" I hear him say and my heart breaks as I see him turn over with a huge smile on his face.

I guess he really likes Tate a lot... I mean of course he would! She's so talented and beautiful. She stunning and she has an amazing voice and dancing skills. Just like Sean...

Then I hear one last thing that plays with my mind.

"But is that what I want? What I need?"


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