Twilight's Nursery

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"Morning sweetie." Aarons mom coos. "Da-da?" I coo. "No sweetie, Aaron is at school." Aaron's mom coos. "Waaaahhhhhh!" I cry. "There, there. He'll be home soon. Come on, let's get you changed." Aarons mom says, changing me into an extra thick, poofy pink diaper. "There now. Doesn't that feel betwer?" Aaron's mom coos. "Ywes ma-ma." I coo. "Aww, you called me mama." Aaron's mom coos. "S...sorry. I didn't mean to" I say in my normal voice. "Hey, it's okay. You can call me mama if you like." Aaron's mom coos. "Ow!" I yell. "Are you ok?" Aaron's mom asks. "I'm fine, I'm trying really hard to act like an adult when it's appropriate but it really hurts," I say, wincing in pain. "You don't have to act like an adult, you're our little girl and I don't want you getting hurt." Aaron's mom says, putting my skirt on me. "Thwank ywu mwa-mwa." I coo. "Aww, you're very welcome sweetheart." Mama coos. "Coochie, coochie-coo." Aaron's mom coos. "Ehehehe!" I giggle. Mama takes me downstairs and sits me in front of the TV. "What would you like to watch sweetheart?" Mama coos. "Fwozen." I smile. "Okay baby, let me put the disc in." Mama coos, starting the movie for me. I begin to watch the movie in awe but about halfway through I start to get hungry and start to cry. "What's the matter sweetheart. Are you hungry?" Mama coos. I nod slowly, I haven't had much to eat ever since I ran away from home. "Here sweetie, I have some milk to bear. Mama says, placing me on her lap. As I begin to drink I feel really sleepy. *yawn* "Done honey?" Mama asks. "Uh-huh." I coo. "Alright baby, you can play now," Mama says placing me on the soft carpeted floor. I begin to watch the movie again but as the last few scenes come to an end, I begin to close my eyes and fall asleep. "I'm home!" I hear a voice echo at the doorway. "Daddy!" I squeal, hugging him and almost knocking him to his feet. "Woah! Hey sweetie." Aaron coos. 

"Daddy! Please don't leave me ever again! Waaaaahhhhhh!" I bawl

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"Daddy! Please don't leave me ever again! Waaaaahhhhhh!" I bawl.  "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry." Daddy sighs. "How about we show her the surprise, that will certainly perk her up. " Mommy smiles, taking me into a large room. "Woah! Is this all for me?" I say in amazement.  "Yes hunny, we thought you should have a room to play in, along with your regular bedroom," Mama says, picking me up.  "But what if my friends come over and discover my secret," I say about to cry. "Here, this will make things easier for you hunny bun," Mama says, putting a sign on the door that says: "Baby's Room." The sign has a small rattle and a baby bottle on it. "Thwank ywu Mwa-mwa." I coo.  Riiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg! "I'll get it!" Aaron says, grabbing my phone.  "Hello?" Aaron says. "Twilight? You sound different." The girl says, confused. "This isn't Twilight, I'm Aaron, Twilight's boyf...." Aaron says before the girl interrupts. "WHHAAT!?! Let me talk to Twilight please." The girl says, very angrily. "It's for you," Aaron says giving me the phone. "Hello?" I stammer. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND!?!" the girl squeals. "Oww Raynee, my ears!" I complain.  "Sorry Twilight, I'm just really excited for our sleepover." Raynee giggles. My face goes a crimson red. 


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"O...our sleepover?" I stammer. "Yeah, remember? You didn't forget, did you?" Raynee giggles. "'m just not sure that tonight is a good night." I stammer. "But Twilight, we have been planning this sleepover since you first week of school, by the way, where have you been all this time?" Raynee asks. "My...mother....y...yeah.....s...she's sick...a....and...I have to take care of her?" I stammer, pitifully trying to lie. "What illness does she have?" Raynee asks. "M...measels..." I stammer. "Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that, I hope she gets better.  Raynee says. "I'll be over at 7:30, see you then," Raynee says hanging up. "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! What am I going to do? Raynee will be here in 30 minutes!" I say freaking out.  "Calm down lil' bunny, I'll take care of everything."Aaron coos. 

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