How I Got Here Part Three

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Chloe's P.O.V
Tonight we all decided to go to to a party and it's aca-awesome! I am having so much fun with Chicago and the girls but I realize something was off. Something was missing... I just can't tell what. That's when it hit me Beca wasn't here. "What the..?" I said as I realize how unusual it is that Beca wasn't along my side partying.
"What is it?" Chicago said with concerne in his voice. "Umm's just kinda wired that Beca isn't her" I said as I frowned a little. "Honey she is right there talking to Aubrey" he said as he pointed to them. I saw Bree's face it was seriously and sympathetic. It made my heart race and the fact that Beca was talking to Aubrey meant that something was probably seriously wrong. I quickly walked to them but I didn't interrupted as Aubrey was speaking.
"Beca I know how you feel... but you have to tell her" Aubrey said looking into Beca's eyes. I was standing behind her. "Are you out of your mind Aubrey!?" "I'm not telling Chloe I'm in love with her!" she whispered but her voice sounded like she was shouting. "What!??" Is all I could think of saying even tho I had so much to say. Beca looked at me, that look I will never forget it. It was like someone took a knife to my heart. There was so much pain and guilt in that look but at the same time I could see Beca's wall rising up stronger then ever. Beca then turned around and ran.

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