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Warning: they chapter will talk about abuse.
The next few days were ruff for the bellas. Aubrey finally got out of the hospital and was fine to go back to her regular life. They all sang together and danced together but it was different since Beca left. There was less energy and Chloe didn't really care about anything. Beca had gone back home and started seeing a therapist. She didn't like it but she had no choice. She missed the bellas a lot but at the same time she didn't wanna see them... especially Chloe. Aubrey and Stacie flirted with each other a lot and it made Chloe sick. She wanted Beca back but she couldn't because of Chicago. He had threatened to beat up if she didn't do exactly what he said to do and not to do. He had grabbed her hair and slap her before but that's all. Aubrey even though she wouldn't admit it really really missed Beca.
Aubrey's P.O.V
It had been almost a week since Beca has been gone. She didn't say why she was leaving she just did. Or maybe she just didn't tell me. Which is fine..... I get it I guess I though we were more of friends than we actually were. I mean we did argue and stuff but I she felt like a sister to me. I called her but she didn't answer and Chloe won't talk about her or about anything. She kinda hates me but idk i lot of people do. I don't know what's wrong with Chloe tho. She has been a complete bitch when I'm just trying to help. Or.. or maybe I'm the bitch.. I mean that would explain the way a lot of people are acting towards me.

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