The date part 1

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We got into my car and drove to a restaurant that had good light food to eat before going to the concert. I open the door for her once we got there add lead her to our table. " this place looks great" she said with a beautiful smile. " so do you!" I reapplied with a smirk. Her cheeks turn pink which made me giggle. We ordered the food and talked while waiting for it. "So what are we doing after?" She asked. "That's for me to know and for you to see" I said with a smile. " can't you give me a hit? Just one?"
She asked. "nope!" I replied with a giggle. " ugh fine" she added. " I'm excited I'm sure you will love it" I said with a teasing smile. The food arrived as I finished my sentence. We ate and made small talk. We talked about our days and future plans for the week. I usually hate small talk but when it can to Beca I enjoyed it.
I know this chapter is short I'm just really stuck. I'm sorry but hope you liked it.

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