Wtf was that??

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After we ate we got back into the car. " where are we going to now?" Beca asked. " you'll see" I said with a smirk. We drove for about 10 minutes before we showed up to the concert. " OMG this is gonna be so fun!" She said excitedly. We went inside and grabbed a few drinks before getting to our sites. The band started playing and the rest of the night was a blur.
Beca's P.O.V
Beca wakes up feeling so safe and comfortable. A feeling Beca only felt with one person. That person was here favourite redhead Chloe.
Beca's pov
*Beca wakes up*
When I woke up I fast realized I wasn't alone. Here was someone cuddling with me. I opened my eyes and there was chloe she looks so peaceful. I took a moment to admire her beauty. God she was so beautiful her eyes are so blue and deep it was so easy to get lost in them when she was awake. I started playing with there beautiful naturally curly hair it was so soft . She then smiles in her sleep a smile tugged at my lips. I then continued I whisper in her ear "good morning". She slowly woke up her grip she had around my waist was getting tighter it was gentle and comforting. She opened her eyes and smiles. "Good morning baby" Chloe whispered. I felt a smile instantly appeared on my face. "How long do we have till Amy wakes up?" Chloe asked as she yawns. I looked over at the clock on my desk "it's 8 o'clock so a few hours." "Great we have a long morning before we have to pretend we are friends again" she said as she gently moved the hair that was in my face to the side. "Yeah you still want to tell them on Friday at the meet up right ?" I said curiously. "Yeah I think it's been long enough" she replied with conference. "Ok so in one day our big secret will be out" I said nervously. "Don't be nervous baby" Chloe said as she kissed my forehead.  I look at her and smiled I love are sweet moments even though sometimes I act like I don't like stuff like that,but when it comes from chlo I love it and I am not embarrassed about it or anything. Chloe laid her head next to my neck and closed her eyes again. I kissed her adorable nose. she was not falling asleep but instead just resting. I watched her body slowly raise each time she took a deep breath. I put my hand on her thigh as I slowly placed my fingertips I could feel the warmth of her body. My hand slowly glided up and down her leg. This when on for a good 5 minutes her just breathing and me rubbing her thigh. She had a beautiful peaceful smile on her face and a small smile tugged at my lips. It was so silent the and peaceful.
narrator's P.O.V
Beca then woke up. "Wtf!" Was the only thing she could say. She looked around to make sure she was alone with she was. She was back home and it was around 11 am.

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