You Will Get Through This

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You Will Get Through This

~Alana Hulsberg

I understand.
You may not know me,
A total stranger. You may not even know my name.
But do know this:
I know what it feels like.
To be alone,
To feel like you have nothing and nobody.
To feel like the whole world is pushing you off of this cliff, and the edges are crumbling.
To feel like there are so many people around you, yet none of them can see you.
To feel like you are suffocating on the air you are supposed to be breathing.
To go home at the end of the day just to slide your back down the wall and stay in that position crying for hours on end.
I get it.
I've been through it.
I'm still going through it.
But the important part, is that I'm Getting Through It.
I'm going through it, and there is an end to everything.
This will end eventually.
I will defeat these demons one way or another. I will not let them get the better of me.
They may have me now, but I will escape their clutches and I won't let them control me anymore.
I'm going through it.
Therefore, I'm getting through it.
And you will too.

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