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Okay, so I know that Crisis On Infinite Earths hasn't even come out yet, but this set after the events of it.

In this fan-made story of a CW Justice League concept, Oliver's deal with the Monitor comes due and he does indeed die... Well, his body does. But his soul is trapped in a Nether realm of sorts and a good portion of this book will be Flash, Supergirl, A. T. O. M., White Canary, Constantine, Batwoman, and Martian Manhunter trying to find a way to undo what has happened.

Now, I have a few ideas of how I could go about bringing Oliver back. The main three are concepts that have already been established in the entire DC Universe.

1. Lazarus Pit- we know that Nyssa Al Ghul, Thea Queen, and Roy Harper left to go find three Lazarus Pits before the Thanatos Guild.

2. Kryptonian technology- in the Justice League movie, Batman and the others used old Kryptonian Tech (the same tech that resurrected Zod into Doomsday) to revive Superman. I was maybe thinking about introducing something like that on Argo City and they bring him back to life that way.

3. Soul Searching- in season 4 of Arrow, Constantine, Oliver, and Laurel traveled into some version of the Nether realm in order to find Sara's soul. This could be done again with Sara and Barry going into the Nether to find Oliver's soul.

If you know any other way to resurrect someone that follows the comics, you can either comment on this chapter or PM me.

Another thing, while we're talking about resurrection, should I resurrect some old villains of Arrowverse past? Like say, Malcolm Merlyn or Ra's Al Ghul or Vandal Savage? I'll set up a poll for who you want to see show up or return. Or even new villains that you want to see but they haven't shown up yet.

Also, this story is not fully compliant with the futuristic timelines and the present timelines. Felicity is still pregnant but will soon deliver. Nora is still alive. Also I didn't like how they just up and made William gay without any character development leading to that conclusion. So that whole storyline will be adjusted but not changed entirely. I just feel like they could've handled that better instead of just throwing that out there. So for now, William is straight until I figure out the proper way to weave that plot point in.

Things like that. There are other things, but those are the most important.

Last but not least, I'm going by what the Crisis On Infinite Earths storyline says in the case of the Multiverse converging into one Earth and Universe. So this means that instead of saying Earth-38, I'm going to say National City or Metropolis. That's all I wanted to say.

Now without further ado, I present to you, CW's Justice League special event.

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