Arrow: Hero's Memorial (Part 4)

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William, Dick, Bonnie, and Artemis stood in front of the mannequins that held their suits. "This is it," William said.

Twenty minutes later, Bonnie emerged onto the rooftop and was wearing a crimson suit with a red arrowhead on the chest. She had red arm guards that went up to the top of her arms. Each had small flechettes on it. On her pant leg was a holster with a silver dagger inside it. She had a red eye mask and picked up her compact bow and quiver full of arrows. Artemis followed soon after with a similar outfit to Bonnie's except for the fact that hers was green. She grabbed her emerald bow and her quiver and pulled up her mask.

Dick came out soon after in his grayish-black and blue suit, which had a bluebird imprinted on the chest area of the suit. His electro-rods were sheathed in the holsters on his back and his grappling shooters were attached to his arm guards. "Everyone ready?" he asked. "Yeah," came the other's response. "Wait, where's William?" Bonnie asked. "He said he'll meet us there," Artemis said. "Alright then, let's move out," Dick ordered.

Then they all ran towards the edge and jumped off the building. Artemis and Bonnie drew a grappling arrow and shot it at one of the buildings, while Dick did the same with his grapple shooter and they all swung off to downtown.


Barry, Wally, and Nora were speeding down the streets in a blur of orange, yellow, and purple lightning. Above them, two blurs of red and blue were flying after them. Far back behind the speedsters and the Kryptonians were three motorcycles zooming down the street. On one of them, Speedy and Arsenal were neck and neck with the two canaries on their bikes and Laurel on hers. Behind them was the Bat Mobile with Batwoman, Wild Dog, and Mr. Terrific. Flying above them was Ray.

Suddenly everyone came to a stop as they witnessed the destruction of downtown and saw that China White and Cupid were already making off with the EMP, while Kane and the masked villain caused a diversion. "Dad, they're splitting up, what do we do?" Nora said over the com-link. "Alright, guys. I've got China White and Cupid going south on Decker Street. Nora, Wild Dog, Ray, Speedy, you guys go after them. Kara, Clark, Dinah, Wally, Roy, keep the big guy distracted. The rest of you help me take out Kane," Barry ordered. Having split up into separate groups, Barry and his two teams took on Kane Wolfman and his partner in crime.

Arsenal shot flash-bang arrows that blinded the masked man, Kid Flash zipped around him and made him disoriented, at the same time he threw lightning bolts at him to knock him off balance. Meanwhile, Kara blew her ice breath at him at the same time Laurel used her Siren Scream which effectively knocked him on his ass. However, he didn't stay down long, and pretty soon he had engaged into hand-to-hand combat with Arsenal and Black Canary.

"Hey Kara, Wally, we could use some assistance," Dinah yelled. As soon as she said that, the masked man knocked her aside and she collapsed on the ground unconscious. "Canary!" Arsenal called out, turning his attention away from his opponent. Just as quickly as he diverted his attention, he was thrown into a wall just as fast.

Wally and Kara saw what happened and the speedster looked to the alien and said, "Keep him busy." "What are you gonna do?" she asked. He just smiled and said, "You'll see. Just make sure that he's facing the direction where we are now when I come back." Kara was about to ask what he meant but he was already gone in a flash... Of yellow lightning. Back at A. R. G. U. S., Cisco, Caitlin, and Felicity were watching this play out on the screen and we're also watching Wally's vitals. "What's he doing?" Felicity said perplexed. "Is he doing what I think he's doing?" Caitlin questioned. "Oh, frak!" Cisco swore giddily. "Why is he going out of town?" Felicity asked. "He's not. He's gonna do the Supersonic Sound Punch, baby!" Cisco exclaimed. Wally ran to the outskirts of Star City and came to a stop. He faced the direction of where he came and then he ran as fast as he could.

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