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AN: I recommend listening to Lay Me Down by Sam Smith beyond this point as it was the main inspiration for what you're about to read.)


That's all he could see. Then again that's all he's ever seen since he went to Hell. But now it seemed amplified. It surrounded him, engulfed him in the deep blackness of its mouth. It consumed him. Just as it always did.

But this is the choice he made. He chose to let it consume him, because that was easier to deal with them letting it destroy his friends. No, his family. He sold his soul to the Monitor to spare Kara and Barry, who had become like his little brother and sister over the last few years. He rarely ever admits the truth about things like this but between Ray, Sara, Barry, Kara, John, Felicity, William, and Thea, he had a family. It may have been small and broken but to him, it was perfect.

And that's why it hurt so much to leave them.

He still remembers the looks on their faces when they realized what he had done.

He remembers being in the Anti-verse at the Dawn of Time with his friends the seven paragons.

He remembers fighting the Anti-Monitor and telling him he'd failed the universe right before he ignited it anew.

He remembers seeing the universe being reborn, how beautiful it was. He remembers Sara and Barry kneeling over them.

He remembered telling them, "Dying is the easy part. The real heroes are the ones who keeping going."

He remembered smiling at them. No matter what came next for him, he was at peace knowing that his job was finished. He brought together the world's greatest heroes and he was confident they would continue to stand united long after his death.

That's when he finally let go and closed his eyes forever.

Now Oliver opens his eyes and Barry and Sara are nowhere to be found. All he sees is he's on a raft. At first, he's confused until he sees something out of his peripheral vision. He turns towards the object of his attention.

What he sees makes his heart stop.

He sees Lian Yu.

"Hello, Mr. Queen!" A British man's voice cuts through his fear. Oliver quickly snaps his head in the direction of the voice and was greeted with the sight of a tall man with olive tan skin and short dark hair. He was dressed in a black suit with a small pentagram broach that gleamed in the faded sunlight.

"Who are you?" Oliver asked warily. "What is this place?"

"It's funny you mention that," the man chuckled bitterly. "The name's Lucifer Morningstar. You may know me as the Devil."

Welcome to Hell!

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