Arrow: Hero's Memorial (Part 3)

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Suddenly there was a whoosh in the building and before William had a chance to react, Bonnie was already on her feet and had his bow in hand with an arrow nocked and ready to shoot at the intruder. Then he saw the cause of that whoosh and groaned. It was Barry.


Barry stood there with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. "William," he said, "what the hell is going on?!" William just rolled his eyes and nodded to Bonnie to lower the bow, before heading over to the speedster. "Hey, Barry, what's up?" William asked casually. "What's up? What's up? You know what's up, don't play games! What are you even doing down here?" Barry interrogated. "Barry, I need you to stop speed-talking and bring it down to a two, can you do that?" William sighed absently. Barry's went wide in shock.

"Okay, you know what, it's one thing to be pissed at me over your dad, but it's a whole new league when you sneak off to here to be with... Kate?" Barry questioned as he finally noticed the woman amidst the teenagers. "Hey, Speedy!" she replied. "What's going on, William?" Barry directed his attention back to William. "Nothing. I'm training," he said finally. Barry raised his eyebrow, "For what?" "Well, somebody has to protect Star City since the Green Arrow isn't around anymore. Plus, I know that nobody on Team Arrow is going to be up to saving the city and fighting bad guys..." he trailed off. "Wait so you're telling me that you, Kate, and these kids are training to be vigilantes?

"And you went behind everyone's back and recruited these kids to be part of your team," Barry said as more of a statement rather than a question. "Basically," William said. "Anything else?" Just then, the elevator opened up and out stepped Thea, saying, "Sorry I'm late everybody. You would not believe how hard it is to shake your sister-in-law... Hey, Barry." Barry smacked his head and exhaled, "So you even got Thea in on this, too, I see. Is that it?" William nodded in affirmation. "Okay, I'm going to find Felicity," Barry said.

"Wait, what? You can't do that," Dick said. "Yeah, if you tell helicopter mom, then she's gonna shut us down," Bonnie agreed. "Not to mention that she'll tell our parents and then they'll be worried sick about us all the time," Artemis added. "Well, so be it then. I'm not going to allow a bunch of kids to run around Star City dressed up like heroes and get themselves killed!" Barry shouted. "Come on, Barry don't be like that," Kate beckoned. "No, Kate. You may let this kind of thing fly in Gotham, but I won't let this happen here," Barry argued. "Well, I don't seem to remember giving you a vote, parent killer!" William snapped.

"Oh, that is it! Your operation is done and this team is officially shut down," Barry yelled. "Well, you can't tell me what to do!" William countered. "Oh, but I just did," Barry shot back. "No you can't because you're not my dad!" William hollered. Everyone went quiet. "You're right. I'm not your dad, but I know that if he were here, he wouldn't want you to go out there either," Barry said in a lower tone. "There it is. You just said the magic words," William sniffled. Barry looked profoundly confused. "You said, if he were here. But he's not, not anymore," William explained. Barry opened and his mouth to say something but nothing came out so he remained silent.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter anymore. Tell Felicity if you want, I doubt she'll care," William sighed. Barry couldn't bear to look at William like this. So upset. So broken. And it was his fault. So with that, he just sped off away from the Bunker. "Well, there goes your little secret," Kate stated. "Great!" Artemis exclaimed. "It was bound to happen sooner or later. I just was hoping that it would maybe happen later," Bonnie sighed.


Back at the penthouse, Diggle was talking with a few of the Legends and they were in the middle of a conversation, when suddenly Diggle started hearing voices. They were many whispering in his ears and Diggle jerked his head to get them to stop. "Hey, John, you okay?" Ray's voice echoed. "Yeah, Uh, just need some air. Excuse me," John said excusing himself to the bathroom. When he was alone he heard the voices go quiet. He let out a deep breath of relief.

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