Arrow: Hero's Memorial (Part 2)

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It seemed like the heavens were just as mournful as the heroes that defended the Multiverse. On this day, no one, not even the angels in heaven were happy, for the time had come to bury the Star City Vigilante. It has been two weeks since his death, but the pain is still just as sharp as it was when he died. It was nine forty-two, the funeral wouldn't take place for another hour and a half. It was still barely enough time for the heroes to silently prepare themselves to send off their fallen comrade.

The grief was taking its toll on everybody, but the one person who was taking it the hardest was a certain scarlet speedster who was staring out the hotel window at the dreary Star City. He stood with a blank expression on his face as overcast covered the sky and wrapped the city in gray blanket of sorrow and misery. He straightened his posture and rolled his shoulders back as he exhaled deeply. He was already dressed and ready to go, he was just dead set on avoiding having to go because he wasn't ready to face the Queen family.

Felicity, William, Thea would all be there. Even though Oliver had said to him that it was his choice to sacrifice himself, he still felt guilty. Felicity and the others didn't blame him, but he did. And so did William. Barry wasn't stupid. He'd seen the scowl plastered on the young teen's face when Barry had told him that Oliver sacrificed himself to save him. He saw the glares William would throw his way. The glares that looked so much like the ones Oliver would give to his enemies, right before he told them they have failed his city. It was almost terrifying to be honest. It was like a small piece of Oliver latched onto his son and would silently deliver the message that said, "You have failed me."

And that's what Barry felt.

He was so deep in thought and self-pity that he didn't notice his wife had come up behind him until he felt someone's chin on his shoulder and arms wrapped around his waist. "Hey," Iris said. He smiled sadly, "Hey, Iris." "What are you thinking about?" she asked. "Same old, same old," he answered nonchalantly.

"You need to stop blaming yourself. Oliver... Oliver knew what he was doing. You can't take responsibility for his actions," Iris said, letting go of his waist and turning him around to face her. "But I'm the reason why he's dead," he countered. "What? What do you mean?" Iris inquired. "I mean, he had a chance to kill Deagan when he had me in a neck lock. He had the arrow aimed and ready to shoot but..." Barry trailed off, "... I stopped him and told him to find another way." "Oh, Barry," Iris comforted.

"He always told me that sometimes the only way to protect others was to sell a piece of your soul to the darkness. He said that the darkness is what helped to accomplish his mission. I thought that maybe he could escape that darkness, but I was wrong," Barry snapped. "Barry, it's not--" Iris started.

"No, Iris, you don't get it. His life has always been dark and that's how he's survived as well and as long as he has. That's how others around him survived as long as they have. Because they adapted to the darkness. Everytime Oliver even remotely tried to be like me and Kara, innocent people died. And guess what, now he's the one who's about to be six feet under because of me and my delusional naive beliefs. I gave him hope and now he's dead," Barry yelled stepping away from his wife. "Honey, look, just calm down," Iris soothed slowly approaching the clearly frustrated speedster.

Barry sighed and took deep breaths to calm himself. "Okay," he exhaled. "Better?" she asked warily. "Yeah, whatever, let's just get this over with," he answered idly. With that, he turned and walked out of the door.


William and Felicity were sitting in the back of the car that was driving them to the church where the funeral was being held. As they rode to the church, William remained silent and his face seemed to be locked in a perpetual scowl. "You know, your father used to have that same look on his face everytime he got mad. Well, at least I think so. He never really smiled much to begin with," Felicity sighed, effectively breaking the silence between them and easing the tension.

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