The Knights of Bahamut

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Arthur's P.O.V.

It has been a week since the hunting trip and I am training with my knights. Through the whole week I have noticed that Lancelot and Qwaine are always at Merlin's side. If they are not both their then when one is not there then the other is. Watching Qwaine I let the sword in my hand relax. Following his graze I see that it is on Merlin who is talking to a couple of knights.

Wanting to see how he will react I hit my blade against his. His attention snaps to be as he says. "What?!"

Not even giving me a chance to say anything he puts his sword back in his sheath. Turning away from me he quickly heads over to Merlin. Glancing at Lancelot I see that he has stopped fighting Leon noticing Qwaine. Placing his sword in sheath he then follows after Qwaine. When they reach Merlin he gives them a soft smile a real genuine smile that is, so rarely seen on his face.

I can't help, but feel a tinge of jealousy as he is smiling like that at them and not me. That's when a servant comes running over to me. "Sire there are knights here requesting to speak with the King."

Before I even get a word out Qwaine appears next to me asking. "What kingdom are they from?"

The servant boy glances at me before answering. "They are Knights of Bahamut Sir Qwaine."

Immediately I notice him tension. "Qwaine can you..."

Before I can even finish my sentence he rushes over to Lancelot and Merlin. He whispers something to Lancelot who tensions. Merlin looks at the both of them confused. Lancelot places his hand on Merlin's shoulder and tells him something. Merlin's eyes widen as he looks between the two knights.

Dismissing the servant after telling him to bring the knights to my throne room. Walking over to Merlin I see something flash in his eyes, but it happens, so fast I can't tell what it is. Making sure all the knights of the round table can hear me I say. "The knights of Bahamut wish a word with me and I would like my knights with me in the throne room."

Lancelot and Qwaine move closer to Merlin the grips on their swords tighten in a protective manner. Heading to my throne room my knights and Merlin follow. Taking my place in my chair the knights stand behind me while Merlin stands by my side. When the five knights of Bahamut enter Merlin's eyes widen and recognition flashes in his eyes.

Merlin's P.O.V.

The moment Lancelot told me that knights of Bahamut I started to panic. 'Where they real knights of Bahamut loyal to my father and its people or could it be some of my uncle's shadow knights that he sends to hunt me and my father.

When we get to the throne room my king sits on his throne. The sight if him slightly calms my nerves. When the five knights enter the room my eyes widen as I recognize all five of them. Not only are they real knights of Bahamut these five knights are my knights. Knights that personally picked myself just like Arthur chose all the knights of the round table.

They kneel to Arthur out of respect to him. "Knights of Bahamut what can I do for you?"

Will who is kneel in the middle of the five knights raises his head. He freezes for a second when he sees me. A small smile appears on his lips which makes Arthur look from me to him and back again. "Sire my name is Sir Will and these are Sir Carmen, Sir Macsen, Sir Deron, and Sir Thomas. We are in search of aid in saving our kingdom and finding our missing prince."

"Your prince is missing?"

"Yes Sire you see four years ago our king's own brother betrayed the kingdom and our king. He used dark magic to create his shadow knights and attacked the kingdom as we all slept. The king was defeated, but before he could be killed knights managed to grab him and take him from Bahamut. While I was with the prince he was badly hurt, but refused to stop fighting, so I had to knock him out and take him and the queen to safety."

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