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Arthur's P.O.V.

"Oh we just wanted to see how Merlin is doing. Also I wanted to see this little thing."

"Her name is Seraphina."

Will walks over to her scratching under her chin. Closing her eyes she tilts her head into his hand. Merlin chuckles at her behavior getting her attention. Sauntering back over to Merlin she nuzzles his side. "Sire..."

"Will titles you know I hate being called that."

"Right sorry Si... Merlin I kept these thought you would want them back someday."

Holding out a set of clothes he hands them to Merlin. Seeing Merlin smile causes my heart to speed up and become warm. Holding up a long sleeve white shirt he raises an eyebrow at Will. "You could of at least mended the sword holes too."

Chuckling Will rubs the back of his head awkwardly. "Yeah well I kind of suck a mending magic when it comes to clothing and, so do the other guys. Speaking of swords and sword holes Thomas wants to inspect your injury."

"What why its been four years since I was injured."

"I know he wants to see how it healed it was a close call after all."

At the word close call my chest tighten. Especially since I know that it has to do with a sword. Even though Merlin seems fine with it as he rolls his eyes at Will and lets out a sigh. "He's waiting outside isn't he?"

"Yeah sorry Merlin."

"Alright if it will put him at ease."

As soon as he says alright Sir Thomas bolts in wrapping Merlin in a tight hug. "Oh Sire I've missed you, so much. I was, so worried with that sword wound and how close it was to your heart."

"T... Tho... Thomas... Can... Can't... Bre... Breath."

"Oh right sorry Sire."

Quickly letting go of Merlin who takes in a deep breath rubbing his chest. "Titles Thomas."

"Right sorry Merlin."

Knowing he wants to see Merlin's old wound Merlin stands up. Making Seraphina to yip at him and go to Qwaine while Merlin removes his shirt. My face automatically becomes flushed. Under his clothes I always thought Merlin was skin and bones. As his large clothes making him look smaller than he actually is. In reality his large clothes his how well in shape his body really is. But I also see all the scars that cover the lean muscles on his body. The one that really caught my attention is the scar next to his heart. As in the same spot on his back is an identical scar. "Um... Merlin I'm going to need you to remove the magic glamor."

Merlin's eyes flash gold and I watch as what looks like black ink starts to cover his skin. On his back the ink turns into a dragon. Turning to look at me his face becomes red with blush. On his chest over his heart is the Bahamut chest. Of a lion standing on its hind legs looking at a dragon also standing on its hind legs looking at the dragon. The dragon from his back I can see its head rest right below his collar bone. Its tail curling up on his stomach. But then I see the mark on his face. It kept my eyes as it added to the beauty Merlin already has. "So Merlin I've been meaning to ask what do all these masks mean."

We all look at Qwaine remembering that he is there. While Thomas seems satisfied with how Merlin's wound healed Merlin places his hand over his heart smiling slightly. "Oh well this is Bahamut crest it shows that I am a part of the royal family."

Bringing his hand to his cheek he smile becomes sadly slightly. "This is the mark of the next King."

Knowing that he is thinking about his father I take his hand. He gives me a smile before he tells us about the dragon on his back. "The dragon is the mark of a dragon lord."

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