Our final two days in Bali were an absolute dream. Drake and I mostly stayed in the cottage on the deck, or in the ocean playing around during the day. At night Drake would surprise me with a new dress asking me to get all dolled up where he could take me out and show me off to all the men and woman sharing paradise with us.I hide in the bathroom Saturday night after packing my few belongings getting ready to leave later that night, and cried silent tears. I didn't want to leave this place and all the memories Drake and I made here. Our time here wasn't even over yet, and I felt like it had all been just a dream. The last eight days playing like a movie into someone else's life in my head.
I cleaned my face then walked back into the bedroom once I had my emotions under control. The room was empty of Drake and his bags so I took my bag and went through the rest of the cottage. I placed my bag beside his at the front door then turned going to the lounger outside on the deck knowing that's where he would be.
His hair was wind blown on top of his head. His five o'clock shadow turning into a small beard since coming here. He had on a plain white fitted t-shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans with holes in the knees. The only flip-flops he could be talked into wearing on his feet. His bronze skin turning even darker from the ever-present sun.
Drake didn't hear me walk through the cottage onto the deck his gaze staying transfixed on the clear blue ocean water. I smiled quietly tiptoeing my way around the chair to lay beside him without breaking him from his thoughts. My arms were almost around his chest before he moved to pull me further into his hold.
We sat there for awhile just enjoying the brightening night sky and the cool breeze blowing up from the ocean feet away. Neither of us wanting to move, but knowing it's inevitable. Finally, after about an hour Drake moved to bring us both into a seated position along the edge of the lounger.
"Come on Angel it's time to leave where we don't miss our flight." Drake smiled standing up from his seat then helping me up as well.
Once I'm finally up and we are standing face to face Drake starts to laugh. Clearly getting a kick out of the displeasure and sadness showing on my face at his statement. His deep chuckles only making my irritation increase. Drake finally calmed down and placed a kiss on my forehead then pulled back looking into my eyes.
"What's wrong my Queen? Don't want to go back home?" His words dripped sarcasm.
I gave him my most serious look and asked the only question running through my mind. "Can we come back here again someday?"
"Any time you want my Queen. Just name the time and I'll make it happen, or anywhere else your heart desires to go. Just say the word and your will shall be done."
The things this man says to me has made it impossible for me not to fall in love with him. Those three words getting hard by the day to keep locked away for only me to hear. I gave him a watery smile in return not trusting my voice to speak.
Drake took my hand walking side by side to the front door grabbing both of our bags in one hand. Then walking us down the pier for the last time to our awaiting driver standing by the open door to the back of the car. Drake gave our bags to the driver while I slid into the seat and him following closely behind.
I took in as much of the passing landscape and buildings as I could in the night sky as we passed by. The ride to the airstrip was quick Drakes jet sat ready and waiting for us when we pulled up. We took the same oversized chair as before with me sitting in his lap until the jet took off and reached cruising altitude.
Once the fasten seatbelt sign went off Drake unhooked the latch releasing us from the seat. He picked me up by the hips placing me on my feet then getting up as well and taking us to the master bedroom. We stood at the end of the big bed stripping the other of their clothing one piece at a time.

Sinful Delight And The Masters Might
ChickLit6 months. That's how long I agreed to be Drake Masters. 3 weekends of each month to do with as he pleases. 9 days every month to please my Master in every way. 21 days each month to crave his touch, taste, and body and all the things Master does...