Master Doesnt Like Games *Mature*

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So..I can't leave y'all in suspense any long! Here is the next chapter!!!

  Also this chapter is dedicated to AleCaballeroGermani !!!! Y'all think I made you wait long for this chapter, well I've made her wait longer!!!

  She was one of the first fans of the series, and is always there helping me as I go along. Letting me send her the chapters in advance, and talk me through all my decisions so far!

  Thank you for becoming the best book friend I could ever ask for!!!

  Now, on we go my kinky friends!!

Saturday morning Drake and I barely speak to one another as we get ready to leave the yacht. The Captain docking the boat at a pier in The Hamptons. Giving us a three and a half hour ride back to the city. The crew even followed behind us with our bags. Wishing us a good-bye before we left.

Marc, Drakes usual driver was waiting at the SUV in the parking lot at the end of the pier. Taking our bags from the crew and loading them into the back. Before coming back around opening the back passenger door for us.

I slid inside first going all the way to the other side of the seat. Glueing myself to the door followed by Drake. Like me, he stuck to the other door once Marc closed it. Then a few minutes later we were on our way.

For three hours neither of us talked or even looked toward the others way. Instead choosing to stare outside the window until the New York Skyline came into view. Drake grabs my hand from the seat between us giving it a squeeze making me look toward him. The smile he gave me was devoid of any warmth.

"Since your Moms wedding is in a few weeks how about you come stay with me for the next two weeks before? July 15 until we leave August 2nd. We can talk everything out and get back to how things were before I opened my mouth. I don't want us to be on bad terms while we're there. Ok?"

A sharp pain cut straight through my heart at his words. None of this is his fault. I'm the one that shouldn't have opened their mouth. Subconsciously I still can't believe that's what I said!

I add some pep to my voice and give him my answer, but really just wanting to ask him if we will really be ok. "I'd like that very much, Master." While in my head screaming 'I love you' to him.

Drake has a tight-lipped smile on his face placing a kiss to the inside of my wrist as the SUV came to a stop outside of my apartment. He got out first coming around to my door then helping me out. Taking my bags from Dru leading me up the stairs and sitting my bags down at my feet. He placed a chaste kiss on my lips then made his way back to the waiting SUV and leaving.

As odd as his goodbye was, Drake's strange behavior didn't stop there. For the next seven days he refused to talk to me on the phone. No more calls, FaceTime, or video messages he's get me to send. He was obviously punishing me by putting distance between us after what I said.

As I was packing my things Sunday afternoon to take with me to Drakes house after he got off work tomorrow he sent me a text. The text was simple and straight to the point. Asking me to meet him at his Brownstone early the next morning before he had to leave to go to work. Telling me not to bring anything because it wouldn't take long. I sent him a reply agreeing quickly.

My alarm went off waking me up super early the next morning. Not bother with my appearance or how people would see me this early in the morning. I threw on a old baggy sweatshirt with some black yoga pants and my favorite purple and black converse. Walking out my front door 15 minutes later hailing a cab.

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