Jealousy Never Let's You See Things Clearly

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***I have been dying from how mad everyone who has been reading this book has gotten at Joe in the beginning.
  The entire time I've just been smiling, because of this chapter!
  Have fun my lovelies!***

Once the vow's were exchanged and the I do's were said Shawn slide a three separate but entwined diamond wedding set onto Moms fourth finger with the biggest smile. Mom placed a solid carbon fiber band around Shawn's finger with the same dopy smile. Before the preacher even finished saying the final words Shawn had Mom dipped backward almost touching the floor slaying her with their first married kiss.

The kids kept going causing several of Shawn's first to let out wolf-whistles and cat-calls. I laughed seeing Moms cheeks turn red in embarrassment from all the attention. Hiding her face into his chest as soon as Shawn straightened them up.

He whispered something into her hair then took her hand and faced the awaiting crowd. Smiling like kids as they made their way back down the isle to the front of the chapel. Waiting there for the rest of us to join them.

Next the nine of us in the wedding party were ushered outside into the gardens for the wedding pictures. The photographer was already set up and waiting for us, and didn't cause much of a hassle wanting a ton of different shots. Making us all have a good time with it smiling and laughing through the whole thing.

While we were caught up for the next hour the other guest were enjoying the pre-reception cocktails at the outside bar area. A stop I wish I could have made before being stuck smiling like a loon. It might have knocked the edge off from all the unseen tension surrounding us at the shoot. Only someone who knows us would be able to tell.

Prime example is the unspoken tension between Mel and Duke. I've noticed when one of them move the other matches them. Mirroring exactly what the other does keeping the perfect distance between them at all times. The evil stare Uncle Joe keeps sending Drake every timer puts his arm around me or brings me closer into his side for a different picture.

Thankfully before things could get any worse, or someone finally lost their shit, we were released. Making our way over to the outdoor tent where the reception was being held. All the guest were inside already seated at their designated table waiting for us to make our entrance.

Mel and Duke were announced by the MC first then it was Drake and my turn. We made our way to the center of the tent where a long white table was placed just for us. Their was one big centerpiece placed in the middle of the table with two smaller ones on each side.

Mel was at the end of the table next to Duke. The two chairs next to him were empty Drake helping me sit next with him taking the end seat. Finally the MC announced the couples grand entrance and the party officially started.

I relaxed slightly when I noticed Uncle Joe chose to sit at a different table in the corner instead of with us. Mom was next to me as the waiters brought out the first course of food moments after everyone was seated.

Everyone starting off with a small garden salad. Then it was one of my favorite dishes, chicken Alfredo with an amazing Alfredo sauce. Next was the main course which consisted of a filet mignon that melted in your mouth.

As the last of the plates were taken away the guest started tapping their glasses signaling the start of the speeches. Duke going first standing up from his seat in the middle of the table, and placing his hand on Shawn's shoulder in brotherly affection. His speech was funny and heartfelt making a few of the guest wipe tears from their eyes once he was finished.

As he sat back down I stood up taking his spot in the spotlight looking down at Mom. I tried hard for weeks to make my Maid of Honor speech sweet and loving for the guest. Every word and story I chose just for Mom to show how much I love and admire the life she gave me this far.

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