When my over used body finally came around the next morning, it took me some time to remember where I was. I had only ever seen Drakes bedroom once before.His bed was certainly more comfortable than mine. I reached my sore arm behind me to the spot Drake slept last time, but the sheets were empty. I rubbed my palm against the silk sheets feeling warmth, so he must have not been up long.
I let the sheet fall to my waist exposing my naked chest when I sat up looking around his room. My clothes and purse were folded up sitting in a chair in the corner. The light was off I. The bathroom and closet so he wasn't in there.
I let the sheet go completely and headed into the bathroom to take care of my morning business before I continued my search. Once my bladder had been emptied I went to the double sinks checking over my bed riddled appearance in the mirror.
My long hair was in knots along my back. My skin had a flushed glow under the fluorescent lights. The strips on my hips were a dark shade of purple making them look like animal strips on my skin.
I ran my fingers along each one. Each sending a dull shock to my over worked core. Not as sharp as last night, but strong enough to send my lust skyrocketing.
A deep sense of lose came over me thinking about the marks fading. Now that I saw them in the light of day I couldn't imagine them not being there on my body. Drakes loving reminder of his rules in my life.
With that thought I couldn't wait to find him. I quickly used his toothbrush, getting rid of my morning breath and braiding my hair making a note to fix it later. Before I left the bathroom I grabbed a black button-up long sleeve dress shirt from the bin under the counter. Sliding it on and buttoning some of the buttons closed along my stomach.
I made my way out of Drakes room going to the stairs at the end of the hall. I stopped at the second floor landing listening and checking for light under the doors, but nothing. Finally when I came to the first floor I got my first look at him. Drake was dressed in a suit but the jacket was off hanging on a chair at the bar. His sleeves were rolled up to the elbow. While he stood in front of the stove.
I couldn't see what he was doing so I made my way over to the other seat at the bar as quiet as I could. I pulled the stool out and sat down not taking my eyes off Drakes back. His muscles bulging and stretching the shirt while he messed with something on the stove. His silk pants molded against the curve of his ass. While barely keeping his toned legs from bursting through the material.
I kept my breath shallow and noise to a nonexistent level where I could perv on his body without being noticed. Burning every inch into my memory. I thought I succeeded in my stealth mission, obviously not.
"Good Morning Angel. Would you like some breakfast?" Drake spun around to face me asking with a shit-eating grin on his face like he knew exactly what I was doing.
My face flamed. Embarrassment coloring my cheeks making me lower my head in shame. Drake came around the bar placing two fingers under my chin making me look him in the eye. His gaze searching for something in mine he must have found the answer to.
He started laughing before placing a searing kiss to my swollen lips. Before my brain completely clouded over in that forbidden pleasure Drake stopped and took a small step back.
"Sit down Angel you need breakfast after last night."
He moved me back to my chair helping me sit. Then he went back to the stove. He placed two plates with bacon, eggs, and fruit in front of our chairs. Then came around to the seat beside me. Even though my stomach let out a howl for the much needed fuel for my body I don't touch my plate till Drake starts eating his.

Sinful Delight And The Masters Might
ChickLit6 months. That's how long I agreed to be Drake Masters. 3 weekends of each month to do with as he pleases. 9 days every month to please my Master in every way. 21 days each month to crave his touch, taste, and body and all the things Master does...