Breaking Down That Last Wall *Mature*

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This chapter is dedicated to AleCaballeroGermani for being the first to vote!!!

  I had no concept of what time it was. I tried to count the minutes once Drake left me last time, but the constant stimulation to my abused body ensured I failed. Leaving me to constantly wonder when he would come back. My internal clock thankfully still working somewhat it was still early Wednesday morning.

  After the past two days my voice giving up long ago. Silent, torturous moans leaving my dry cracked lips. My quivering body covered in salt from all the dried sweat on my skin. My conscious taking up residence in the darkest part of my mind trying to shield myself from any more torture.

  I could hear a faint click come from the door bringing me to the present instantly. Gathering as much saliva as I could inside my mouth I wet my lips to speak before he even comes through the door. As soon as I see the doorknob turn I start repeating the three words he's been waiting to hear.

  "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you so much Drake Masters it honestly scares the shit out of me!" I tell him. Each word coming out stronger than the one before.

  Drake stops beside my hip turning the switch off on the dildo, and stopping the vibrating clamps. He takes another step stopping beside my shoulder. Looking down at me giving me a full smile. His voice sounding low and drawn out.

  "Thank you, My Queen. I love you, as well. Now tell me, why did you lie to me?"

  My gaze was wild moving everywhere around the room. Looking at everything except him. It takes me several moments to get all my jumbled thoughts in some type of order. While trying to simultaneously stop the shaking of my entire body from my very soul.

  Such different, yet strong, emotions running through me right then. Fire eating arousal, wanting like a brazen huzzy, desperate to cum pass the point of sanity. Along with an immense amount of disgust toward myself for not saying anything sooner. I bite my lip to keep all this in instead of answering.

  Drake chuckles in disbelief. "I'll come back when you have an answer."

  He doesn't waste another moment seeing if I need the bathroom or food and something to drink. Hurrying out of the playroom door cutting the lights off as he goes. My wide-eyed gaze following his every step.

  I release a deep breath in gratitude and relaxed slightly. Not seeing Drake turn the switch back on for the mechanical dildo, or the vibrating clamps attached to my sensitive nubs. I just repeat 'Thank You' in my head to Drake for giving me a much needed break from the machines for awhile. Simultaneously kicking myself in the ass for not answering him!

  You would think I would know better than NOT talking to Drake by now. Not speaking to him is what this horrendous punishment is all about after all. In my head I thought I was ready to spill everything to Drake then. Only something in my gut stopping me, and I've been trying to understand ever since.

  Time seem to come to a slow crawl while I racked my brain for answers. Almost within my reach when every thought shattered. The clamps and dildo both starting back remotely at the same time. Taking their time building up to the same maddening tempo as before.

  Only the next time Drake came back into the playroom to check on me he didn't speak. Not a single sound as he helped me to the bathroom and keeping me hydrated. Then when he was finished asking me the same question each time. "Why did I lie?" Leaving a few minutes later after I still didn't speak.

  Following the same rules and routine the next five times he came to check on me. Keeping me strapped to the leather spanking bench almost two more days. Until I couldn't take it anymore Thursday night.

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