This chapter is dedicated to littleprincess8589 for being the first to leave a vote! Thanks so much!!
After talking with my mom for hours on the phone Saturday night, I felt clear headed and focused, mostly. Definitely a lot more grounded within myself than in months! For once, not having a problem concentrating on my notes, or my crammed last minute studying.
As much as I was hoping for everything to go back to normal after that, it didn't. My feelings and what to do about them were still driving me mad. My heart and mind constantly flip-flopping on the decision of what exactly to do.
Don't get me wrong, Mel and Mom both gave me sound advice. Mel taking the practical approach, and mom turning giddy the first time 'boy trouble" came out of my mouth. Both highlighting a lot of vital points for me to consider.
The only reason I could come up with as to why I thought they were speaking a load of horse shit was simple. It just wasn't what I desperately wanted to hear either of them to say! I wanted them to at least agree with me, or tell me I was right with my assumptions.
Of course neither did. Both laughing at my absurd thinking about Drake, and his feelings as well. Mom went as far as to remind me what happens when you assume something about another person.
"It just makes an ass out of you and me Abbie, and I didn't raise no fool. Did I, my child?"
No. Maybe? Hell I'm not sure at this point really!
Sunday Drake and I text back and forth while I was studying for awhile. Finally calling it quits with my books for the night. I put everything away, and got ready for bed. Laying under my covers Drake called me for the first time that day. Making my heart flutter just seeing his name light up on my screen.We talked for awhile. Drake even taking an interest in my upcoming final. Giving it his all trying to follow along with what I was saying. Asking all types of questions. Some even I didn't think to ask while in class.
Once the science lesson came to a close Drake told me he was taking me out Friday night to celebrate. Even saying for once it wouldn't be anything fancy, or need to show me off to the crowds. Just the two of us with the rest being a surprise.
Before we said goodbye to each other Drake had one finally thing he wanted to discuss with me. For the remainder of the week I had some new rules to follow. No more texting during the day. The only time we could communicate would be from 9:30 to 10 each night. That way I wouldn't have any distractions all week.
I should have been jumping for joy at the news. Surely with so much time apart I'd be able to figure out how I should act around him the next time I saw him. Instead I felt like a piece of me was being removed. A vital part leaving a massive hole behind in its place.
Each day and final test that passed, that hole felt like it was getting bigger and lost. Lack of sleep plus an over worked brain made me feel like a zombie. By the time Friday rolled around, I walked into my last final looking like an extra from The Walking Dead.
A few minutes before noon I was skipping down the hallway leaving my last class. Filled with euphoria, and a great sense of relief hell week was finally over. Coming to a stop on the steps outside the building, I sent a text to Drake. Letting him enjoy this moment with me.
I didn't pay attention to the people already outside when I came out. My focus solely on my phone, and spreading my awesome news. So, when someone's phone went off in front of me, right as I sent Drakes message, I looked up at the odd coincidence.
A smile took over my face stretching from ear to ear. There were two steps left until I was on flat ground, but I didn't bother taking them. Instead, jumping into Drakes open arms, squealing in excitement.

Sinful Delight And The Masters Might
ChickLit6 months. That's how long I agreed to be Drake Masters. 3 weekends of each month to do with as he pleases. 9 days every month to please my Master in every way. 21 days each month to crave his touch, taste, and body and all the things Master does...