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I looked up at my huge ceiling, of my enormous room unable to sleep. I glanced over at the clock to notice it was 11:00 pm. I was like every five year old when they hear they are going out with their dad the next day.

I tossed and turned on my bed but still unable to sleep as excitement was the only emotion I could feel. Even tiredness wasn't an option.

Finally I'll get time to see dad for a whole evening. He isn't really at home much. He is a very busy person who has a lot of things to do, so most times, I'm left with my personal helper. Her name is Cloe. She is at home most of the time and is more like an elder sister or aunt to me. The other helpers are just there to help in this big house.

I felt my eyelids getting heavier as they began to close. I brought up my blanket to my chest as I drifted into dream world.


Hi, my name is Karma. I know it sounds stupid to name a child that but..... My dad said and I quote "you'd do justice and give to people what they have given to others".

I still find the name funny but I actually have another name, it's Kiara! I mean....  Kiara. I live in this huge house, all alone. I do have friends but they can't come all the time, I'm glad dads taking me out today.

My mom died after my birth which makes me the only child. I tried my best not to think about her even if I saw her every night in my dreams. Weird right? I didn't even know her much but I've seen her picture and I look like my dad but I have her bright hazel eyes.


I woke up screaming my own name, I sure wish I didn't have nightmares at this age but I do. And they were hunting.

I wasn't the only one calling my name. I opened my eyes, being the sensitive type to my name. It was one of my maids. Yeah, we were that rich. We had about 25 maids for different things but this particular one was more like an aunt to me. " aunt Cloe? " I said opening my eyes to see her bright blue eyes searching my face for heaven knows what.

" your dad is probably waiting for you right? " her tiny voice said. She turned 18 this year and has been with me for as long as I can remember. She used to work for my dad personally but started working for me.

" yeah..... Yeah, he is " I squealed jumping out of bed and running to have my bath but I stopped by Cloe's question

" it was the same dream wasn't it?". I only turned and smiled at her then jumped into my tub. Not surprisingly Cloe has already prepared a warm bath in my tub for me. I slid into it. Relaxing my head in the tub. I got so tired of trying to make my body warm so I jumped out and into the room. Being just 5, I demanded that I dress myself. I saw a black gown on my bed but ignored it completely.

I put on my denim jacket which was custom made with my name written boldly at the back in white and ripped jeans with a denim face cap and a white polo shirt. My sneakers which were also custom made had Karma written on either sides of them.

" I'm ready! " I shouted running down stairs, this was my daily exercise since the stairs case was long.

" my Angel" my dad said as I reached him. Jumping into his arms.

"you should at least put on the gown I bought for you today" Cloe said eyeing my dressing. When did she have time to get a dress so early? I mean there was nothing wrong with what I was putting on..... At least that's what I thought.

" yeah darling,  you should put on the gown Cloe bought for you" my dad said. Hmmmmm? Oh. It was the black gown I saw on my bed. Well it was black and they both know how much I love black. I put on a little frown and dragged my feet as I went up stairs.

"what a kid! " Cloe exclaimed

" I can still hear you! " I shouted almost half way up. I could still hear her giggle and my dads light chuckle.

I stood in front of my room mirror. My hazel brown eyes weren't there obvious since they were mixed with dark big pupil. I took the handles black gown with red patterns and put it on. It  stopped right above my knees. I ran down stairs but didn't forget my jacket as I snatched a sandwich from the table and tried to fit it into my mouth.

" I'm rweady" I said with the bread still in my mouth.

I looked at my dads charming smile as he ruffled my hair and led the way to the car. I was expecting to see Maxuel (my dads driver) but he wasn't there. My dad opened the front sit for me and held my hand to guide me into the car as he bowed slightly which made me giggle. He shut the door and went over to the drivers seat and got into the car.

I kept on stealing glances at him every now and then. He finally has time. I thought to myself.

We drove around town, stopping at fun fairs, malls, eatry and finally we are at the cinema.

"chucky! " I squealed pointing at the poster.

"woah, woah, are you sure you could watch a horror movie at this age?" my dad asked. His voice so calming and suiting sending electric currents to my chest making it beat faster.

"yes I can! I'm a big girl " I said measuring my height with his. I'm obviously no where near his huge muscular structure but I was the average height for a five year old.

"owky" he said reluctantly paying for the tickets. As he led the way, I just watched his golden brown eyes cross checking my hazel ones constantly.

" Lucy!" I called out noticing my blonde haired friend with her usual straight hair.

"Kiara!" she shouted back. Yep! That was the name most people knew me for.

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