chapter 4

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Tessy had to take her cheerleaders to a party. And she left me.

"need a lift, kiara?" I was stunned, he remembered me, even with the hair difference, the changed hairstyle, the changed hair color.

" no thanks, Carlos" I said back. So Im going to run all the way home? I guess I am. I'll have Maxuel retrieve my bike when I get home.

I took to my heals before he could protest against it. Just like a normal jog. My bag slamming my back. I reached an area I remember driving through on my way to school. So silent and good.

"HELP! " a voice screamed, a girl.

" no one can help you sweetie so let's do this the easy way." evil lacing this low manly voice.

" get your fucking hands off me! H-help s-someone" the girl cried again. I let my burning curiosity carry me to the noise.

I stood at the entrance of a dead end with a guy, no, there where 4 more, one on the fence, one in the shadows to my right, one beside the fool, and the last one was above. I don't know how but I could sense it.

I'm sure I didn't look intimidating at all, at first sight, you'd see a boy, who is with his school bag, standing at a scene of rape-in-progress, and is absolutely foolish.

"it's not a smart idea to try to rape at this hour " I said taking a few steps, closer. Each step made me realize the pleading eyes that the man was trying to cover with his big head, the eyes behind him. The eyes of the owner who he has against the wall, in a tight, not at all gentle way.

"guys! Get him! " the man raged as the rest came out of their hiding place. Him? How cliché.

" him, " I sighed as they came after me, an upper cut, left, right, right, kick and he was down.

Next one, kick, side kick, right jab, and he was down!!!

"K - 20points

Evil-weird dudes - 0" I said with two fingers in front, showing my 20 points.

Next one came in with a flying kick. I grabbed his leg and twisted it then I let go before taking my stance. Left, right, upper cut. And oh my gosh he is out!

Last one came, "no fair! You're with a knife! " I yelled before he attacked.





Enough already! I grabbed the hand he held the knife, pulling him closer and going under him as I elbowed his stomach. And he is down.

I looked at the leader, who still had hold of the girl. He left her and walked towards me.

" K - 40points

Evil-weird dudes - 0" I said again.

He sent his punches fast but I was faster, missing everyone he sent made him frustrated. He sent a kick and I bent to dodge it,  he sent to the ground and I did a neat flip, landing behind him as he turned around and his eyes widened. "you're a girl! " he said eyeing my figure as the cloth hung to my skin a little.

" took you long enough to figure that out" I said with a smirk and sent a kick to his head. My foot crashed hard into his head and he went unconscious immediately. "K - 50points
Evil-weird dudes - 0!!!!! Flawless victory!! " I yelled. I did all this with my bag pack still on. Impressive right?

" thanks.... T-thank y-you " the girl said, Hmmmmm a black hair, I've seen her, at school. She was smiling while her 'friends ' where fake laughing in the cafeteria. She should be part of the cheerleaders click.

"it's cool" I said acting cool as I ran my hand through my hair, fixing it in place. Oh shit! She can't see my face!

"You're a girl? " the girl asked.

"mhm" I hummed " what's your name? " I asked not looking at her even once more.

"Vanessa" she said looking steadily at my back. I knew she was trying to analyze me but I won't let her do that.

" where do you live? " I asked, a little in a hurry.

"down the next street, two turns from here" she answered as she dressed herself. I used my side eye to look at her. She is pale, normal type of pale.

"then you're safe on your own" I said taking to my heals again. I walked through the big gates and was greeted by my wonderful fountain. It was pure white with gold highlights. I walked straight through the double doors of my house.

"what kept you so long? " Cloe said with worried eyes. She doesn't look much older than I am.

"hello to you too" I smirked in response and she rolled her eyes at my sarcasm.

"so...... How was school? " she asked as we both walked into my enormous kitchen and I took out a sandwich and an ice cream tube.

"pretty neat but a fool trashed my ducati" I said with fake tears. As I practically stabbed the ice cream with my spoon.

"Tessy told me that. You need to take control of your anger you stupid girl" Cloe said

I saw her looking at me, scanning me. I just put more ice cream into my mouth ignoring how cold it was.

"you aren't a superhero kiara, you're a fucking assassin! Stop playing with this like its a game" she said and let out a sigh. I picked up my ice cream tube, with part of my sandwich in my mouth and went up to my room. Ignoring her completely.

I let out a sigh of my own as I closed my room door and walked over to my bed. She's right. I'm no hero. I'm a bloody assassin. I kill people without their permission. I am not a murderer, I'm an assassin. I get paid to do my job. Until I find the man who killed my father, I can't leave the game of assassins. I'm stuck with sin till then....

I felt a tear roll out of my eyes, as I stuffed more ice cream into my mouth.

It's OK, you aren't all that bad. It's going to be OK. Just kill the man and you are done with hurting people.

I tell myself.....

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