Chapter 7

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Katrin's POV

I have been having a shit day so far, pardon the language, first, my alarm clock didn't do its work of waking me up and then the cold shower and then my driver coming in late due to traffic hence resulting me being late to work and to top it all off my father calling me telling that he has arranged a date for me tonight. 

I love my dad to bits and I know he only wanted someone to take care of me but sometimes he can be a pushover. I don't even like the guys that he had sit me up with. So far he had forced me to go to three dates including the one that I was supposed to be at tonight.

Sighing for the hundred times today I rode the private elevator to my office alone. I didn't spot Terry waiting for me inside my office maybe she's with the new finance manager giving her a tour around and the work ahead.

With a sigh, I started doing my work signing papers and rereading every business proposal and of course still thinking of my one night stand. How I wish I could just think of something else rather than him.

I really need to have a life, be out there and enjoy, maybe this date tonight will take my mind away from K and start something good for me.

Giving my work all my focus and finally getting the rhythm back I continued with my routine paper after paper. 

I was so focused on my work that I didn't hear someone was outside my door until a knock came through. After a low 'come in' from me the door opened and low and behold the most amazing pair of blue eyes that I was trying to forget just moments ago.

I kept on staring on those hypnotizing blue eyes that gave me one of the most unforgettable nights of my life. It feels strange looking at him again, I feel like something in my stomach is floating, and I feel tingly---

Wait! what was he doing here and why is he with Terry?? Is he stalking me, wait that cannot be, I never told him anything.

Terry clearing her throat broke us from our trance and answered my confusion.

"Ms. Dane this is our new Finance Manager, Kris Smith"

I thought we hired a female for the position, I was so confused so I voice out my thought.

"I thought we hired a female for the position???"

"It may not same as true but I can one hundred percent prove and assure you that I am in fact part of the female public" K answered, or should I say Kris, with a bit of hurt in her eyes.

"You don't need to prove anything Kris, we are not one of those homophobic company. Your sexuality will never define your capacity and work. Ms. Dane is just confused as well us all at first because of your wardrobe but none the less you are pretty much welcome to wear anything to work as long as it's not provocative or degrading" Terry replied in time to save me.

I was developing a headache at the moment due to the current situation. I slept with Kris Smith, The Kris Smith who is our new Finance Manager, who will be working for me, who I will be seeing constantly, God why do you have to be so cruel!

It's one thing to sleep with a stranger but it's a big thing to sleep with a person who will be working close to you and will probably be the only thing in your mind every waking second and to top it all off he was a she. God help me!

There is still one thing that's been knawing me if what she had said is correct, what on earth penetrated me that night? it's impossible that it was a strap-on, I don't think it will be comfortable for her to wear that all night. What was she hiding?

Terry eyed me suspiciously and with her eyes told me to say something to our new employee. Composing my self I took a deep breath and extended my hand to welcome her.

Kris took my hand and I swear I felt tingly all over my body. I quickly shook that feeling away and finally address her in a monotone.

"I'm sorry for the impolite welcome. As Terry said earlier we welcome diversity here in our company and we encourage everyone to be themselves and evolve in their field. Welcome to the family and I hope everything is up to your expectation and if you need anything or have any questions regarding work just tell Terry and she will answer everything for you. I don't tolerate laziness in my company so I hope you meet the companies work ethics and especially my expectations since you are paid to work by me."

I can see she was taken aback by my seriousness and bitchy remark but what else can I do, I am after all her boss and should be treating her like the others. 

"Thank you Ms. Dane, I hope to meet your expectations, as well as the companies requirements to be able to maintain my job. If you'll excuse me I 'll heading down and start my work, thank you"

I just nod at her before she leaves without looking back. Terry stared at me and leaf after a few seconds.

I really need to distance myself from her although what happened that night was memorable I can't have rumors spreading about me sleeping with random strangers. I have my family reputation to uphold and a business to grow. 

I called my dad and told him to cancel the date because I'm not feeling good and thank god he obliged.


Four weeks had passed since Kris had started working for my company. Like me she also has been avoiding me at all cost even during company meetings she would make sure to be as far away as possible. When she is presenting the financial reports she would eye everyone except me and I kinda feel hurt a bit.

After she and Terry left my office I called someone to investigate Kris and find anything about her. Now I understood what she was hiding, according to the files Kris was born intersex and she is not ashamed of it. I felt bad for doing this but I needed answers and answers did I get. I now know almost everything about her, I sound creepy.

I 've been feeling dizzy and ill for a couple of days now, Terry told me to go to a doctor and that maybe its stress or fatigue. I also have been vomiting since this morning and Terry was becoming really worried.

"Kat, tell me, did your period came this month??"

I shook my head no and told her that I have an irregular cycle. Terry became skeptical and told me to wait for her in my office bathroom.

After around 20 minutes Terry came back and handed me a pregnancy test. I look at her like she was crazy but she forced me to take it and so I did.  

We waited and waited for what seems like forever and my mind is taking everywhere. What if I'm pregnant? How will I tell my dad? I have avoided him for too long and also Terry had been bugging me about my treatment towards Kris and I just keep brushing it off. Should I tell Kris or should I hide it? What do I do? I'm 37 and clueless.

Terry shaking me broke me from my trance and handed the kit to me. I was nervous and scared to look at it. Taking the biggest breath I could manage I finally stared at it and OH MY GOD!!!

Terry looked at me and I looked at her, we have different emotions on our face. Mine held confusion while Terry's held so much joy.

"I'm pregnant" 

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